(Father) Danny Reagan - Birthday Girl

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Claire's P.O.V.

I woke up this Saturday morning with the biggest smile on my face. First, because I don't have school and second, because today is my special day which means I'll have my favorite breakfast! I'm turning sixteen today and normally dad is supposed to stay with us for the day so we can have a family moment all together. He has been doing this for the passed fifteen years, why wouldn't he stay? I think we are all going to Grandpa's tonight but I'm not sure. Maybe it will be tomorrow. I get out of my bed, do a messy bun and grab my phone before walking downstairs. Aunt Erin, Nicky and Uncle Jamie already wished me a happy birthday by text message. I smile and answer to their message when I accidentally bump into my father while entering the kitchen.

- Oh, sorry, I was answering to Nicky's text message, I say while laughing lightly. I go on my tip-toe and kiss his cheek as he leans slightly down. My father passes an arm around my back and hugs me tightly while kissing the top of my head.

- Well, I'm out guys. Job called me twenty minutes ago, he says, winking to mom while walking to the front door with a cup of coffee. Mom blows a kiss to him before taking a sip of her coffee. I turn around to look at him, frowning sadly.

- Wait, your not staying today? I ask, sounding sad, surprised and confused.

- No baby work called and it's very important. I'm sorry, I know you like to spend your Saturday with me sometimes but today is impossible, he opens the front door and looks at all of us one last time. I love you all.

- We love you too! Exclaims mom and my two siblings. The front door shuts and I turn around to look at my mother.

- He forgot, I tell her, shaking my head in disbelief and sadly. Mom smiles gently at me while looking sadly at my eyes. She puts her cups down and grabs the plate full of pancakes behind her.

- I made your favorite, Honey, she says as she brings the syrup.

- Come on, Claire, Sean and I even bought you a gift, tells me Jack, smiling. My brothers both grab some pancakes.

- You did? I ask, surprised to both my brothers. They usually draw me a drawing or Do a little card for my birthday. I sit down on a chair, smiling when Sean hands me a paquet. I rip the wrap paper off and discover my favorite perfum enveloped in a purple gold box with the name of the creator. How did you know I needed one? I finished it last week, I say, frowning confused but happily to my brothers.

- Well, mom helped us a little bit, replies Sean, eating his pancake. I look at mom who smiles at me while holding a cup of coffee.

- Thank you guys, I say as I stand up and embrace both my brothers before messing their hair.

- Wait, I have something for you too, Honey, says, mom, as she gets up and leaves the kitchen. I sit back down on the chair and grab some pancake while waiting for mom to come back. I take a bite of my breakfast when mom comes back with a paquet quiet heavy.

- Oh, it's heavy, I say frowning curiously while smiling. Mom winks and smiles before leaning on Sean's chair. I rip the wrap paper off and discover a box with an camera on it. I look up at my mother eyes wide with sparkles and a huge smile plastered on my face.

- Your father and I know you've been wanting for one since forever so... She shows me the box, smiling. Here it is, Honey. Your own camera.

- Wow! Thanks, mom, I say while standing up and hugging her.

- You're welcome, Claire. Happy sixteenth birthday! I pull away and smile at her before opening the box and taking the camera out. You should thank your father when he comes back home after, I nod, faintly smiling. So, hum.. maybe you'd like to go to the cinema today? Or in town? to Zoo? Anything? Asks mom as she sits back in her chair.

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