(father) Damon Salvatore - This was your biggest mistake

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Annabella's P.O.V.

I've been hanging by those soaked up vervained ropes for five days now. The burning sensation on my wrists is not bearable anymore but I can't do anything to take it off. The pain in my stomach because of the numerous stakes that he planted in me and then took it off, is making me feel dizzy. The doses of Vervain he injected in my body is making me feel weaker and weaker. I haven't fed for five days straight and I don't think that with all this torture I can keep going for a long time. I used to push the pain away at first, ignoring the best I could this horrible feeling, but I am so tired and so weak, that I can't do it anymore.

When I am not unconscious or sleeping to slightly rest, I think about my father and what he could be doing, what he must be feeling at this moment. My father and I live together at the boarding house with my uncle. My mother decided to leave us on our own after I got my fourth birthday, which I think you can tell was quiet some years ago now. My father raised me with my uncle after she left. It wasn't easy everyday but he did his best and I'm proud to be his. I know dad sacrificed a lot for me. And I know he wished to give me more. But everything he taught me, everything he gave me, his protection, his love... That's all I needed and wanted. But of course, if you know who and how is my father, you must have a little idea of my personality. As a kid, I wasn't a little angel and I still am not which often annoys my uncle because he thinks one immature person was enough at home. I guess I learned from the best... I look a lot like my dad. I have dark black hair, crazy icy blue eyes and his charmed. However, I got my mother's smile. Dad often reminds me how much I remind him of her... But since I don't even remember the face of my supposed mother, I can't tell if it is true or if he is saying this so I won't forget her in a way. Right, I keep talking about my family, but I don't even tell who they are. I am the daughter of Damon Salvatore and niece of Stefan Salvatore. I wish I could tell you the name of my mother but... I don't know it. And I don't want to know it.

Anyway, I have been hanging weak against the wall, in the cold, humid and dark cave. The man, or should I say the hunter, left me last night for dead. Well, that's what he said but every vampires know that hunters are taking us for a trophy, a price that they collect or even a toy to play with. The man injected me a bigger dose of vervain before walking off which made me passes out instantly. I slowly awake but keep my eyes closed as I don't have the energy to open them. What is dad doing? And Uncle Stefan? It's been... How long did I say it has been? I've been stuck here for so long, not able to see the light of the day nor the darkness of the night, that I don't even know what time it is nor what day it is. It's bad...

I let my head falling forward, weak, my eyes closed and my arms hanging to keep me up when I suddenly hear someone coming towards me, walking in some paddles of water at the entrance of the cave. Is the hunter coming back? The footsteps aren't rapid. The pace doesn't sound like someone nervous or mad or scared so I can tell it is not my father or Uncle Stefan. When are they going to find me? Are they going to find me before it is too late? I am so ready to go home... To find my bed... My family... And to stop being constantly in pain and scared. The hunter knows he has power over me while I am being weak like this, which is annoyed and frightening at the same time. I know he'll have no pity for me...

- Well, well, well, you look horrible, Anna, says, the hunter to me while entering the cave he is keeping me in. He walks up to me before stopping right in front of me, hearing him smirking. I open my eyes with difficulty before smirking lightly and weakly back at him.

- I'll take that as a compliment, I listen to him chuckling before he turns around and starts to walk away from me. There is a table at the opposite of me. On it, he installed a crossbow and a wire so if I or the person that helps me get out touch it, die stabbed by a poisoned arrow. Vicious...

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