Elijah Mikealson - The love of a father

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Mallory's P.O.V.

I am at my boyfriend's house to spend the weekend with him. Well, that's what I thought... Things have changed in only a second. It is the middle of the night and I've only been asleep since three hours. I heard my boyfriend talking over his phone which got me curious and confused. What is he doing up at this time of the night? And who is he talking to? All I can hear is a female voice, but I don't even recognize it. I get out of my bed and slowly walk downstairs where he must be. Alex, my boyfriend, is elbowing against the counter of the kitchen as he is talking to the mysterious girl. I frown confused and listen.

- She doesn't know anything, baby, I swear, stop worrying, says, my boyfriend... Or supposed boyfriend over his phone. Baby?

- How do you know she isn't playing a game with you? Maybe she knows something and is just acting, answers, the girl, sounding upset.

- Because I can tell you, she is as ignorant as a fish, laughs, Alex. Stop worrying for nothing and anyway, why do you care about her? You want her gone, don't you? He asks chuckling. I widen my eyes as I feel my heart heavy. Gone? He planned on killing me?

- No, of course I don't. I'm just scared she'll do something to you, baby, I feel the tears rolling down my cheeks as my heart aches. How can he play with me like that? How long has he ben playing and lying to me like that?

- She won't, I promise you. I'll surprise her so she won't have time to do anything. Trust me, I got this. She might be a vampire but I'll kill her, I widen my eyes, scared and surprised. Since when does he know about me? I never told him... Listen, I'll meet you tomorrow to talk about our plan, okay? I'll talk to you later, Honey, I chock a sob while running quietly back upstairs after he hangs up with the girl. I lay back on the mattress and stare blankly at the ceiling, crying at the same time. My boyfriend is coming back, I can hear him in the stairs. I roll over and pretend to be asleep as I control my breathing. He lays on the mattress, putting distance in the bed from me before he falls asleep quickly.

The next morning at 6 a.m., I get up quietly from the bed and do my bag. Alex is still sleeping in his bed, snoring loudly. I am still crying. I didn't sleep at all after I heard their conversation. I couldn't... Sadness and anger are mixed up inside me, burning my heart and mind. The more I think about it, the more I cry and get angry. He betrayed me, he lied to me, he cheated on me... He probably even never loved me. I open the front door after doing my bag and exit his house quietly, not caring about what I am wearing or even if my hair are brushed. I walk down the streets of New Orleans to see if there are people. I don't want anyone to see me, less what I am about to do. Nobody in sight... I vamp-speed to the Mikaelson's mansion, where my family lives. Yes, I'm Mallory Mikaelson, daughter of Elijah Mikaelson. I'm a vampire just like him, which might explain why I can vamp-speed, see and hear more than a regular human. Alex wasn't supposed to be aware of that part of me... Who was that girl he was talking to last night? How long have they been together that they called each other baby? Could she be a witch? I send a message to my Uncle Kol this morning, right after I left my boyfriend... Or should I say ex-boyfriend's house. When I have a problem that I feel like I can't tell my father, yet, I always go to my uncle Kol. He always knows how to deal with things... Even though it often end up in the only way he knows : torture or death or torture and death. Beside my father, I'm really close to my uncle Kol because, just like him, I was a witch before being a vampire.

I am walking in the forest, still crying with my cheeks wet, my bag heavy on my shoulders and my legs weak since I only slept 3 hours. I might be a vampire but I need to sleep and eat correctly. I haven't fed on blood since a whole day. It's long... I am walking slowly when a voice is heard behind me. I turn around to be sure it is who I think it is. How did he know I was here?

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