Chris Halliwell - Happy Birthday

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Today has been a hard day. You got kidnapped by a demon and then you almost died by having some poison in your blood caused by an arrow that you received in your stomach. Luckily, the Halliwell's found you in time and eliminated the demons and took the poison out of your body. Leo healed you at the Halliwell's manor.

The sisters and you got back to the manor and the first person that you see when you woke up was Leo. Piper walks to him and kisses him while the two others exit the manor to rejoin their boyfriend. It is actually 10pm and I leaved Piper and Leo together downstairs. Baby Wyatt is sleeping deeply upstairs. You enter your bedroom and lay on you bed after you put your pajama on. Today wasn't a good day and it definitely will not get any better. It is your birthday and nobody wished it to you. Not even the sisters. You don't have any family members alive so when you met the Halliwell's they ask you to stay with them which you accepted.

You are currently laying on your bed, watching the white ceiling above you. Few tears are falling down the side of your head when you feel something on your stomach. A box has appeared. You sit up and open it, curious to know what is inside. There is a bracelet and a little note in it.

I know it's late but I wanted you to have this, happy birthday Beautiful <3

You did not recognize the handwriting but you did recognize the nickname. The only person that calls you like that is Chris Halliwell. You and Chris are not dating but you do have a crush on him. One day you almost kissed each other but it got interrupted by Phoebe. You smile watching the bracelet when blue and white dots appeared letting a tall figure in the room. You watch Chris walking slowly toward you and smiling before sitting on your bed beside you.

- Happy birthday (Y/N), whisper and smile Chris.

- Thanks, I love it but... how did you know it was my birthday ? I mean only the sisters know it.

- I have my sources, jokes Chris puting an arm around you like he usually does.

- Can you help me put it on my wrist ? you say handing him the bracelet. He straightens himself and puts the bracelet around your wrist. It's really beautiful. Chris stands up.

- Come on, I have a second gift for you but for this one, we're going somewhere. You frown and smile at the same time. Chris takes your hand in his and the both of you orb to the bridge.

- Wow, it's high and.. what a view ! You say amazed by the lights of San Francisco. You know that Chris often comes here but you never have been here before. Though, you always wanted to.

- I'm happy you like the view but it is not your gift, he says chuckling. You turn your head and look up into his blue eyes. Stress is seen and he lose his confidence.

- What's wrong ?

- Nothing- it's just- well, you have been living with the sisters for a while now and we only met when... I came from the future, right ? You node not getting why he is saying that. Right, he whispers to himself. You and I have killed multiple demons together, we had good moments.. bad moments too and you're the only one that actually trusted me about Wyatt which I wanted to thank you. But don't worry this is not your gift, I laugh at his nervousness. Okay, hum.. what I'm trying to tell you (Y/N) is that we have a really good friendship and well I... I love you.

- awnhhhhh, me too Chris.

- No, I mean. I LOVE you, your eyes widen and you realize what he means. You feel your cheeks burning up. Chris Halliwell, your crush, just admit his love for you, (Y/N), the girl who is clumsy like nobody else. You did not know what to do so you kept staring at him. You're actually hoping that he will kiss you but you watch him backing up. Hum- I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry (Y/N), I..

- Chris, I love you too. I always had but I never told you because I thought I was just a good friend to your eyes, nothing more. He walks slowly back in front of you, a smile on his face. He passes his arms around your waist and yours around his neck. You stay like that few seconds before his lips touch yours. You felt energy going through your body and butterflies in your stomach. Your lips are moving in sync. Chris takes you by your legs and you jump to enroll them around his waist. Out of breath, the both of you stop kissing letting your forehead resting on his. I love you so much Chris.

- Me too beautiful, me too, he kisses you one last time before laying down and watching the stars in the sky all night. You fell asleep with your head resting on his chest, hearing his heat beating calmly. and his fingers stroking your hair and back. Even during your sleep you couldn't stop smiling.

 Even during your sleep you couldn't stop smiling

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