(father ) Toby Curtis - hostage daughter

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I woke up this morning with a pounding headache, but I did not care much because today was THE day. I'm going to a museum in town with my class. I get up and prepared myself before going to school. My dad and his co-workers were already up. Who's my dad ? Well, it's a bit complicated... When I was 7 years old, the Dr. Tobias Curtis, a genius, adopted me. I was in an orphanage since I was born. I never met my biological mom nor my dad. People do not really like me because I'm also a genius so I often finish beaten up. My adopted dad, Toby, works at the Garage with Sylvester Dodd, Happy Quinn, Walter O'brien, Paige Dineen and the agent Cabe Gallo. They are all genius except for Paige and Cabe. Cabe is an agent from the government and Paige translate the world to them. School for me ? Well, it sucks but I don't have any choice.

I'm actually in the bus, my head against the window with my headphones in my ears. Music plays alternately. Students around me talk loudly and some throw things at me. I just ignored them and continue looking outside. The bus stopped and we all exited it. We enter the museum and start the visit.

I take pictures of everything around us, listened to the guid and follow the group. Even though I don't really need those pictures to remember, I need them for a homework. We are in the Egyptian part of the museum when our teacher tells us all go to the cafeteria. Time flies ! We've been here for four hours already. I sit alone in a corner and start eating my sandwiches. I text my dad at the same time and listen to music. Music is kinda my only friend when I'm at school. I was about to stand up when I hear a gunshot. The cafeteria becomes dead silent. No one move or talk. A second gunshot is heard and men enter the cafeteria. My heart started beating fast as students around I scream scared. My science teacher comes to me and stands me up.

- You ! Stay sit ! Screams one of the man at us. I look at my science teacher and stay sit. Cell phone everybody, come on, come on ! Faster ! Take your earphone ! Screams the guy while snatching it from a student's hands. I have my hand behind my back and I register few seconds of what the guy said and send it to my dad. Phone miss, I give him my phone. Wait, you send text to somebody ! the guy slaps me hard with his gun on my cheek. It burns and I'm pretty sure that my cheek is slightly scratch. I see him pointing one of his fingers at me and two men take my arms. Then I black out.

Toby POV

(Y/N) texted me earlier. I was actually watching Happy working when my phone buzzed again. I look at it.

- Ok guys, get ready we are going somewhere where you will feel at home, announces agent Gallo as he enters the Garage.

- No way, we are going to video game where I can bit everyone on any games ! Says Sly excited.

- Not exactly. I received a call telling me that the... Cabe couldn't finish his sentence because I cut him.

- The museum in town has been under attack.

- How do you know that ? Asks Happy.

- Because (Y/N) is there and she sent me a video but we can't wait. We have to go! I  say starting to panic of what could happenned to her.

- Toby, breath a bit, tells Walter as he looks at me.

- Don't you dare telling me to breath a bit when my daughter is surrounding by men with guns probably pointing on her head, I threaten Walter. Everybody looks at me with wide eyes. I never talk to people this way but when it concernes my daughter... she comes first. I sigh and passes my hands over my face. Sorry.

- Ok, let's go! Come on! screams Gallo.

We all run to the van and Happy drives as fast as she can to the museum. When she parks, I remark that police men, ambulance workers and parents are already here. Mothers and fathers are crying while police men try to stop people from entering the restricting area. We exit the van and start working. I'm shaking of fear for (Y/N)...

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