(Father) Stefan Salvatore - Eggs and flour

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Phoenix's P.O.V.

I walk through the corridors of the school after leaving my father's sides. Dad went to join Elena at her locker like every mornings. Yeah, I know, you're going to ask me what the hell I'm talking about. Well, let's just be quick and say that my father and I both look like a 17 years old teen but in reality we are a bit more older. We both are vampires and we were born in the 1800 century. We live at the Salvatore boarding house with dad's brother, Damon Salvatore, in Mystic Falls. I have to admit it wasn't always easy between them two but they managed to get along. Anyway... I open my locker and grab my history book out. I put it in my bag when someone, suddenly, closes my locker, almost slamming it. I gasp and jump scared when I see none other than MG, my boyfriend. He doesn't know that I am a vampire... Not yet at least, but I've been thinking about telling him. I even discussed it with my father. He wasn't really glad about it but he knows it means a lot to me. I think I'll tell him tonight when the two of us will be alone at that mysterious creek MG keeps talking about. I smile up to him before playfully and gently pushing him away.

- You scared me, jerk, I say, laughing while opening my locker again to get the padlock.

- I know, that was the point, he answers, laughing. I shake my head while puting the padlock on before facing him. Hi, smiles MG before picking my lips.

- Hi, I respond as he kisses me again. I let him pushing me against the lockers, my back against the cold metal when the bell rings. I pull away, laughing as I hear him sighing. Come on, let's go to class, I say, taking his hand in mine. We interweave our fingers together and walk through the halls to go to our first class. We have the same first and fifth period together which is nice.

The day went by fast and I'm now at the Grill with dad and Damon. The three of us are drinking a glass of Bourbon while playing some pool table. Well, Damon isn't really playing but dad is playing with me. It's actually a bit annoying because I know he lets me win but it's fine. Caroline and Bonnie are sitting at a table... Were sitting at a table. They're not here anymore. Maybe they went shopping? Elena is at home with her brother, maybe they went to join them?

- I saw you with MG today, begins to say, my father, concentrating to aim on the ball on the pool table. I don't like this guy.

- You never like any of my boyfriends, dad, I reply, rolling my eyes and shaking my head while smiling amused.

- That's not true, I liked that guy, hum... Joel, he says as he aims well.

- Well, that's because he didn't hurt me emotionally, dad. I'm the one who broke up with him because I wasn't fine with him. In fact, you actually should hate him. He slapped me. Twice, I remind him, frowning lightly. Dad stares me before nodding, looking like he almost forgot.

- You're right, I never liked any of your boyfriends but, in my defense, I'm not going to excuse myself for having a good sixth father sense when my daughter is in a relationship with a boy, says dad, standing next to me while looking down at me with a smile. I look up at him, smiling too, even though I know he is right. I sigh and turn around to look at Damon who seems lost on his phone.

- Uncle Damon, a little help here, I ask him. He doesn't look up from his phone. Actually, he is frowning confused.

- Sorry, Pumpkin, I'm with your father on this one. Your boyfriend is a real dick, answers, my uncle.

- Okay, I'm not having this conversation right now, I reply, shaking my head and turning back to the pool table. I'm just going to pretend that none of it happened and I'm going to keep playing pool table with you, my lovely father, while my geeky uncle stays on the side, I say before concentrating to aim on a ball as it is my turn to play. I try to aim well like dad did but I miss, making the ball roll on the left. I sigh and close my eyes, feeling like I suck at it. Why do I keep playing this game if I know I can't even play well?

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