Billy Hargrove - don't leave me

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High school life in Hawkings is.. well, boring. Like most schools I guess but here it is worst. Why ? Well it is a small town so everybody knows everybody and rumors circulated fast here. That is why it sucks. And the worst part of those rumors is that they can be create from kindergarten but nobody will forget it and they will come back every year. It is rare that new people come live or come for vacation here. Even family members don't come here for Christmas or else.

My family ? Well I live with my dad and my big brother. I'm the only female at home so it's hard sometimes. My mom leaved my dad when I was 7. I remember this day like it was yesterday. I waited at school for my mom to pick me up but she never came. After two hours of waiting, my dad arrived and brought me home. He told me that my mom went on vacation. But 9 years for a trip it's quite long. I understand she would never come back when I was 11. I would often go to my brother and cry. I would go to my mom's wardrobe to search if she leaved any letters for me, but nothing. Anyway, she didn't wanted me so why should I worry about her ? My dad started drinking after her leaving and sometimes it ended up him beating my brother and I up. We often have to cover our bruises at school.

Two months ago, school restarted and I thought that it would be a year like all the previous ones. Until I met this new guy, Billy. He is an absolute asshole but every girls still want to go out with him. I was on the parking with my best friend Steve and his girlfriend Nancy when a blue Camaro arrive at a fast speed. He parked and exited his car. Girls were checking his ass while the three of us were staring at him. Later, I saw that he is in 4 of my classes. Everytime I would have to talk to him, he would just respond me annoyed or like he doesn't care of what I'm saying. It annoys me a lot.

Today, I arrive is science late and my science teacher decided to put me beside the best asshole in this school. I sigh quietly and got sit beside him. He did not even look at me. And I don't care. I think ? He might be the biggest asshole of this school but Everytime I'm around him, my heart would jump out of my chest. I can't like a guy like him. He is so violent and he always gets angry for any little things. The class end and Mrs. Pierce called me and Billy. Why did she called him too ?

- Miss (Y/L/N), since you were late, you missed everybody doing their duo. And every students here have already somebody to work with. Almost everybody. Mr. Hargrove and miss (Y/L/N), you will work together, Billy were about to protest but the teacher started speaking louder, AND.. I want the work in my box tomorrow morning.

Billy exits the class fast and I had to run behind him. Why is he so tall and walk so fast. I mean it's clearly not hard to be taller than I am but still. We arrive to the parking and he was about to open his door.

- hey ! California boy ! Can we talk ? I say breathless and still walking toward him.
- I don't have time to talk.
- Look, can you at least listen to me ? He sighs and looks at me annoyed.
- you have until that red head girl comes, he answers leaning against his car.
- huh.. your sister ? His eyes darkened and he grips on my hand hardly.
- don't ever say she is my sister because she's not, he says so low that it scares me.
- Okay I'm sorry but please relieve your grip because you hurt me and you are scaring me right now. He lets my arm go and and scoffs. How do we do for the assignment ?
- you'll do it.
- excuse me ? If you don't do anything, why should I do something ? I see his shoulders going up and down. Look I'm not asking you a lot, I'm just asking you two hours. Then you can live your life like before. He sighs again an take a cigarette from his pocket. A red head girl arrives on her skateboard.
- you're late, say Billy with a deep voice.
- by only a minute, she answers.
- still, he says and go in his car. Next time you are going home skatingboading.
- huh, hey ! Can you please answer my question ?
- if we work only an hour and a half is that good for you ? Will you leave me after ?
- alright, I say.
- then come. Max go to the back. The red head girl obey him and I go on the passenger seat.

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