(father) Daryl Dixon - My little hunter

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Maëlle's P.O.V.

The Terminus is on fire, some people are screaming of scaredness, of pain, some others are shooting at walkers which are invading the whole place now and the smell of smoke and burning skin is spreading fast.

After the prison fell, I found my way with Carol, Tyresse, baby Judith and two sisters. Unfortunately, it didn't turn well for those two sisters. Tyresse, Carol, the baby and I found a small cabin in the woods. The two adults would stay there while I go hunting for them. I'm the one bringing the food to survive while trying to find the others. That's how dad raised me. He taught me to be strong and I won't stop until I find him because I know that he isn't dead. "Only a Dixon can kill a Dixon" that's what dad kept telling me when this whole shit started.

This morning, I was on hunting, trying to find either some squirrels or a deer or anything that can feed us. I was walking further into the forest with some squirrels on my shoulder when I spotted a huge building. It seemed like people are living there. I walked further along a fence when I remarked that there is a word written on the building. TERMINUS. That's the Terminus? Dad and the group must be there! I smiled to myself, feeling a wave of happiness hitting me as the thought of seeing my dad soon passed through my mind. I saw four men running to a train car when I remark them throwing something inside it. I lowered down and frowned confused until I watch them taking four people out of it. Glenn! Rick!! Bob!! ... ... Dad! No! What the hell is happening there? Are they prisoners?

My confused frown switches into an angry one. I stand up and walk back to where I came from until tripping over something. I turn around, and remark something on the ground. I knee down and push the leaves off of it which was covering the object. A gun. A fucking gun! That is totally Rick. I take it, look if it is loaded. That man thought of everything. I was about to stand up when I see a black bag under it. Better take it before someone else finds it. I put the bag over my shoulder, put my crossbow over my other shoulder and take the gun in my hands. I rush back to where I was and point the gun to an enormous gas tank, making it smoke. I take a rocket out of the back and light it up. The rocket flies away as I cover my ears. Suddenly, a loud noise is heard. The thing exploded. Bodies are flying up and some are even decomposed. I grab my crossbow, the bag, the gun and run away back in the woods.

Daryl's P.O.V.

I have my head up above a huge bath as I am kneeling next to Rick. Glenn and Bob are in the same position as Rick and I are when a suddenly explosion is heard from outside. The man that was standing behind me, ready to cut my throat just like the four previous men, backs up surprised. I was thinking of Maëlle, my daughter, just like I have since we got separated. She's all I have left in this damn world. She is why I'm staying alive. I know she's not dead, she can't be. That's why I have to find her. But I need to get out of here first. Glenn, Bob, Rick and I all fall on the ground as Gareth runs outside. Suddenly, Rick breaks the thing that was handcuffing his hands and goes quickly killing the two men present in the room. He comes back to us and rips the thing around our wrist. The guys and I run around the building to find our weapons back before rushing outside to the train car where the others are stuck. When we all reach the outside, walkers are already crowding the place. Some are even burning up while still walking. I wonder who did this? The explosion... We make our back to the train car while taking walkers down. Rick opens the train car and lets everyone free. The group and I make our way toward a fence before climbing over it. All of us rush into the woods and I lead the way to where our guns are burried. I point to the trees and Rick kneels down to take a small hidden shovel that I carefully hide before going to the Terminus. He uses it to dig into the dirt and grabs a gun.

- Got to go take them down. All of them, tells Rick as we are all looking at him.

- What ? I ask confused.

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