Billy Hargrove - basket ball

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I am not like the other girls. I don't like fashion. I don't like wearing a tone of make up. I don't like parties and I don't like smoking or drinking. Yes, I might be a boring girl for some of you but I do have a personality, like everyone. I love sport ! I used to always play basketball ball with my brothers until they had to go to college. I was mostly raise with boys so I guess it is why I am so.... Into sport and not fashion ?!
School's just finish, it's Friday, I'm in weekend but like every Friday, I don't go home until 6:30 pm. I go to the gym and practice basket ball.

It's been an hour that I'm practicing when I hear someone coming. I look at the person an sigh heavily. It's this new guy, Hargrove. He is so aggravating, stupid but so sexy. He smokes, drinks, like parties, girls and all which is a complete opposite of me. He walks toward me and throw his bag on the stairs.

- Why don't you go play another sport that cannot break your nails princess ? He asks while starting training.
- don't worry about me, I'm fine, I say and continue what I'm doing.
- okay I was trying to be nice because your a girl but... Why don't you just go and play a girl sport. I turn around and throw him the ball which he catch easily.
- and why don't you mind your own business new boy ?
- because I don't want to be in the same room as Tiny queen B ball and hear her cry because she didn't got the ball in the net.
- you know what ? Screw you Hargrove ! If you think I can't play than why don't you play against me. The first one who has 13 points win.
- No way, he says continues his training.
- why ? You scared to her Tiny queen B ball ? Or you scared to loose against Tiny queen B ball ? He stops what his doing, turn around and walks rapidly to me. He stops right in front of me.
- let's do it ! I smirk and grab a ball.

I begin the match. I start to run and dribble the ball on the floor. I shoot and mark the first point. He takes the ball and start dribbling too but I take the ball from his hands and run to the net, shoot and mark the second point. An hour later I have 7 points and he has 6. Time passed by and we start having fun. The both of us has 12 points right now. I have the ball and I dribble while running. He runs toward me and take the ball. He shoots and mark the point. I sigh and put my hands on my knees before falling on the floor.

- told you it wasn't for you Tiny queen B ball, he says smirking and walks into the boys cloakrooms.

I stay on the floor few more seconds before standing up and walking to get my stuff. I put my bag on my shoulder and exit the school. I start walking on my way home when I hear a car driving really fast. I turn around and watch the blue camaro stopping in front of me. He gets down the window.

- get in Tiny, I'll get you home, he says a faint smile on his lips.
- no I'm good, I continue walking when he accelerate and stop in front of me. ARE YOU CRAZY ?! YOU COULD HAVE RUN ME OVER !
- Why don't you want me to bring you to your home ? I was being nice for once. He says walking in front of me.
- yeah, why are you actually ? You're never nice to anyone. You bully people, you smoke, you drink, and God knows what else your doing. He looks at the ground before looking back at me. I can't read his expression. Why are you looking at me like that ? You won remember ? He scoffs before taking my head between his hand and kisses me.

I was shocked first but then I start moving my lips against his. It was like the world stopped. Our lips moved in sync. He pushes me against the car and continues kissing me. The both of us pull away because we needed to breath. Both of his hands are on each side of my head. His forehead is against mine and look at each other in the eyes.

- I thought I was just a Tiny queen B ball who sucked at basket ball, I say joking.
- maybe, but you're my Tiny queen B ball, he whispers before kissing me again. I smile and he drives me home. Since this day, Billy and I have been practicing together basketball after school. Billy would sometimes get jealous and fight with the other boys but I would interfer first and would always finish by kissing each other. He might be a bad boy or a bully but he is a complete different man when you know him.

 He might be a bad boy or a bully but he is a complete different man when you know him

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