(Father) Rick Grimes - Dead, me? Never

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When the Governor came and destroyed the prison, others and I took the opportunity to run away before it was too late. I don't know if everyone had time to escape but I hope they did. I hope that Carl, Judith, dad, Michonne, Daryl,... and everyone else are alright. We built a life there, we had a garden, even pigs, horses, the place was safe... it was the safest place we had since a while. But I guess we were wrong...

I've spend few days alone, lost in the woods. I had to hunt to survive, to eat,... I had to climb up trees so I could lay on a thick branch and try to get some sleep. I don't know how I got to stay up there without falling down. More the days were passing, more I was starting to get hungry, thirsty, tired,... weak. Everyday, I would walk forward, hoping to cross my path with someone from my group. Hoping I would ran into my father or my brother. But it never happened. I was starting to think that I might never see them again, that maybe they were dead while fighting with the Governor. I was desperate. I was walking on the rails of a train, following the panels saying that the Terminus is a safe place. Every three miles, I would see one. I was determined to go there, to find a safe place because even though I've been alone for few days, it didn't mean that my group was dead. I just had to look for them. And who knows, maybe they are going there? Maybe some of them are already there?

As I was still following the rails, I met a small group composed of six people. Two boys were in their twenties, one man was in his fifties, the three other women were all in their thirties. When they saw me, they pointed their guns at me or knife for one of them. I wasn't surprised because that is what everyone does those days. But I can't say I wasn't scared because I was. I remember them asking me my name, where I came from, if I had weapons and if others were with me. At first, they were not really believing me nor trusting me but as the days passed, they started to trust me. David, the oldest man of the group lost he life two days after I met them, when we ran into a hord of walkers. He got bit... maybe eaten by those monsters to save our lives. When they saw my skills for killing walkers, for using a gun, for fighting with humans, for my wise and clever talking with strangers, for my knowledge to live outside,... They, little by little, started to take me as their new leader.

Few days later, the group and I arrive at the Terminus where people greet us nicely. But that was quick talking. Not even half an hour later, my group and I are thrown into a train car before they lock it up. They took our weapons and the little we had to live. We try to escape the train car, but there is nothing to help us and the walls of this train car are reinforced. We're locked into darkness while waiting for whatever is coming for us. The sun is slowly going down when the man who greeted us earlier, Gareth, comes to take one of us. He asks for Vicky to step outside but the girl was so scared that she couldn't move. She is shaking of fear. One of Gareth's man enters the train car and grabs her forearm, pulling her violently outside.

- No, take me! Take me! I yell as I try to stop him but another man hits me in the head, making my nose bleeding.

Luke, one of the boy in the mid twenties, the tallest one with light brown hair and green eyes, runs to me and helps me up. Nick, Luke's best friend, tries to block the door but misses it. I sigh when I suddenly feel dizzy. I guess the hit was quiet strong. Luke catches me before I fall on my butt and put me against the wall of the train car. Nick, Emma and Lily come over to me, worry plastered on their face. I could barely see their faces but I know they were worried, just by the sound of their voices and breathing.

The next day, Gareth comes back and takes me. The man, who took Vicky yesterday, grabs me by my hair and pulls me outside. Before I could even step down the few steps that lead us in the train car, the man throws me outside. I fell face first, groaning of pain. I can hear my group calling me with worry for me and madness against the men when I hear them groaning and screaming of pain after hearing people beating them up. I stand up ignoring the pain and yell at the man to stop. Gareth laughs, amused by my acting and whistles to call his men back. They all run outside and lock the train car again, keeping my friends inside. Gareth leads me to the building, supposed to be a safe place, and brings me to a room full of candles. That smell... it makes me sick. I grimace and put one of my hand over my nose, trying not to throw up. We enter another room and blood is covering almost the whole room. Axes were resting on a table with meat... What kind of m... My eyes widen as I realize what this room is. This is why they keep us in a train car... I remakr Vicky's head on the table. I lean in and run toward a thick rocky pole and throw up whatever I could throw up. I haven't eaten for at least a day but I can still get sick. Gareth walksto me with an annoyed look and offers me a tissue to wipe my mouth. I take it and do as he told me before grabbing the bottle of water he is handing me. I don't know what that guy is doing but I certainly don't trust him. I rinse my mouth and we continue the small visit. This place is sick... In the bad way, of course. What are they going to do with me? Suddenly, someone calls Gareth over the walkie talkie. He frowns angrily before telling his men to bring me back to the train car. They did as he said and brought me back to my "prison" where my group is waiting for me. I walk up the steps to enter the train car when I see my group sitting on the back on it, in the dark.

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