Tyler Lockwood - They hate me...

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Lana's P.O.V.

I have to admit, I'm so nervous... Today, I'm meeting Tyler's parents for the first time and it's stressing me out. Well, I know his parents but not personally. I know his father is the Mayor of Mystic Falls and her mother does a lot of things at school and for the town as well. But I never had an opportunity to talk to them. His mother seems to be someone who loves people, to work to make things better for the others, to smile,... She seems kind. However, I am more nervous about his father appreciating me. Anyway...

I exit my house, saying goodbye to my family at the same time before entering my car to drive to Tyler's mansion. I've been there before and it always impresses me how big it is compared to my little house. I drive carefully there for twenty minutes until parking my engine in front of his mansion. Even the gate looks huge next to my car. Tyler is on the porch, waiting for me with a smile spread all over his face. I stop the car and exit it before walking toward my boyfriend, smiling back at him. Each steps are making me more nervous.

- Hey, Beautiful, tells me, Tyler while kissing me with passion, placing one hand on my waist and the other one of my cheek. I reply to his kiss, smiling against his lips.

- Hey, how are you? I ask him after pulling away from his lips. Tyler intertwines his fingers with mines, holding my hand tightly.

- I'm good. Happy to finally present my girlfriend to my parents, he answers with joy in his voice. I nod positively and keep smiling before letting a deep and shaky breaths out. I'm so nervous... They'll love you, I promise. Stop stressing, baby, assures me, Tyler with a reassuring tone.

Tyler passes his arm behind my back as we smile at each other before he gently pushes me with him toward the front door. He opens it for me, let me pass and we enter his mansion. The hall is empty but so huge and magnificent. The table is perfectly placed in the center of it, a vase full of beautiful flowers is decorating it, a placemat adorns the underside of the vase, frames and paintings are hanging on the walls,... It just looks perfect. Not too far from us, I can hear people laughing and talking joyfully. It seems to be coming from the garden. Maybe that's where his parents are waiting? Tyler and I walk through his mansion, crossing through the living-room until reaching the back where his parents are sitting around a big table made of glass. They are sitting on each side of it, facing each other. I smile nervously as we approach them. They stand up and Tyler and I stop in front of them.

- Mom, dad, this is Lana, presents me, Tyler to his parents as he smiles at me.

- Welcome to our mansion, Lana. Make yourself at home, tells me, his mom as she embraces me in a warm embrace.

- Thank you, Mrs. Lockwood. You really have a beautiful mansion, I reply with a smile, complimenting her house. Tyler's mother thanks me as she keeps smiling. I glance up at Tyler before turning to his father who doesn't smile. He extends his hand to me. I shake hand with the man. It is a pleasure to meet you, Mayor Lockwood.

- Pleasure's all mine, responds Tyler's father before sitting back in his chair. I see my boyfriend exchanging an apprehensive glance with his mother before she sits down as well.

Tyler takes my chair and waits for me to sit on it. I thank him, smiling, and sit. He pushes gently my chair to the table and then, walks around it to sit across from me. I am nervous, I feel stressed that his parents are her and still I feel like a princess with him. Tyler knows how to do with me, to make me feel special and to make me lose my nervousness. The sunset is well seen in the sky from their terrace which is impressive and so beautiful. I've seen lots of sunsets before, but each one of them look special and different. They are all unique. The colors not being the same, the clouds flying in the air and having different shapes... It's fascinating. A fresh and light breeze makes my hair lightly flying back. I keep smiling, not knowing what to say nor what to do. I just want to give a good impression to his parents. But I'm not much of a talker when I'm around people I don't know. Less when I'm nervous. I just hope they won't think I am interested or just here to eat.

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