(boyfriend) Paul ''Jesus'' Rovia - the sister

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Juliana's P.O.V.

- Keep your eyes in mines, tells me Jesus as he teaches me how to fight.

- Why do you want me to know how to fight? I already know how to shoot with a crossbow and a gun, I answer as I stay in my fighting position, my eyes not leaving his clear blue ocean's ones. I remember the first time I saw him, I was lost in his eyes, feeling like I was melting down.

- Because I want you to know how to defend yourself whenever I am not around and when you are out of ammos, of arrows or even have no weapon, responds Jesus as he faintly smiles at me. I smile back but quickly lose my concentration. Suddenly, he moves towards me and swings me around without even having time for me to process what is happening. I was about to fall when he catches me by my right hand and blocking my feet with his. I gasp as I look scared at the ground which is only few centimeters from my face as I hear him laughing. I told you to not getting distracted, Jesus pulls me up so I stand next to him.

- How do you want me to not get distracted when you're looking at me with those damn blue eyes, I answer while wiping the dirt off my trousers when I realize what I just said. I look back up at Jesus with wide eyes as the man stares at me with a smirk. I mean, you have eyes like everyone a-and-and a lot of people have blue eyes but... I bit my lower lip as I feel my cheeks burning. I am getting myself lower and lower. I should just shut up. Okay, huh... that was interesting for a first training but I have to go, sorry, I quickly say before turning around to go get my bag which is set in the shadow next to a tree. My cheeks are burning like crazy and I can feel my heart beating rapidly. I grab my back and my crossbow before turning around. I was about to leave when I feel someone pushing me. I drop my bag and my crossbow as my back hits the tree behind I.

- Do you really think you could walk away like that? questions gently, Jesus, as his face is only few centimeters away from mine. I can almost feel his breath on my skin. I... I stare at him, trying to breath normal as I wait for the man to continue talking. His eyes showed confidence and strength earlier, now? I can see the nervousness and how destabilized he is. Juliana, I know we haven't known each other for long but... Since the day I cross those chocolate eyes of yours, I can't stop thinking of them, thinking of you. I know, it might sound cheesy and all but, I love you. I love you probably more than I should, I stare at him, smiling as my heart beats faster and faster. If it keeps going like this, my heart will go out of my chest. I know your brother and I started on the wrong foot and he probably doesn't like me much. Well, he probably wants me dead or far away from here. But I can't keep lying to you, he whispers as he gets closer and closer, leaning slowly but surely his heads towards mine. All I can do is staring at his pink lips. I love you, says the man as his forehead rests on mine. And I want you to be mine, I can feel his breath hitting my face as my eyes are closed.

- I love you too, Paul, I reply back. And whatever Daryl thinks, he'll have to kill me if he wants to stop or hurt you, I whisper back, feeling so nervous but happy at the same time. It feels strange. I'm so used to the pain, the sadness, the scaredness all the times but not those feelings.

Suddenly, Jesus crashes his lips on mines, kissing me with passion. Our lips move slowly and in synch as it gets deeper and deeper. I put my left hand on his face and the other one on his chest, grabbing the fabric of his coat, pulling him closer to me. Jesus right hand is on my hips, bringing me closer to him as his left one is on my neck. However, I can feel his thumb caressing my cheek gently and slowly. This moment feels surreal. It's like there's nothing to fear anymore, like we're all alone, just the two of us kissing under a tree. Well, it didn't last long...

- I'm going to kill you! I hear my brother's voice screaming. We pull away, surprised to hear Daryl. Jesus backs away lightly, looking kind of scared. What the hell is my brother doing here? Daryl is running dangerously toward Jesus, frowning upset as I see Rick behind smiling amused and jogging. How dare you kissing my baby sister? Even touching her? Screams, Daryl, almost arriving to our height.

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