Elwood Blues - I'm sorry for never being here

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I am on my way back home with my earphones on, alone, not wanting to talk to anyone. Yes, today was the worst day of my life. First, I woke up late so I had to run to school. Second, when I arrived there, the principal took me in his office and gave me three hours of detention plus some papers that every parents need to fild. Third, I forgot my money at home so I did not eat this noon and to close this wonderful day, My English teacher kept me in class to talk to me so I missed my bus and I have to walk home. I like walking home, I do it sometimes but not when it's raining like crazy. I turn on my street and sigh for the hundred times today. My street isn't the best one but it isn't the worst one either. Cars are parked everywhere and as people like, some garbages are full but there are a lot of big families here so it's kind of normal, dogs and cats are running, teens are skateboarding, smoking and kids are playing. A nice neighborhood, huh ? I personally don't think it's that bad since I always lived here. I step on my doorstep and enter my house. My mom must have her friend, Katy, at home because there is one more car parked in the front. I take off my shoes and go directly to my room to put something dry because this morning it was sunny, so I didn't think of taking a coat. I choose a grey pants and a light pink shirt. I brush my wet hair and do a messy bun before going back downstairs. I take my bag and walk toward the living room where my mom probably is.

- Mom, I'm finally home ! I scream while taking something to eat and drink while passing in front of the kitchen. I hope you had a good day because mine was so horrible you cannot im- I stop talking when I enter the living room. There is my mom siting across two men that I haven't seen for months now. I dropped my bag on the floor. I was listening to their musics few minutes ago.
- ‎Sweetie ! Hey, look who's here ! He wanted to surprised you after all this time, say mom smiling and walking to me while I keep staring at them. She pushes me to the sofa where she was siting and lets me sit. So ? Are you surprised ?
- ‎huh... Yeah, I mean.. when did you two got back ? Why did not you called me mom ? I ask my mom, my uncle and my dad. The two brothers are siting across from me. My dad is Elwood Blues and his big brother is Jake Blues. They are from the band The Blues Brothers so my dad isn't really present in my mom and I's life. I know he tries though.
- ‎We arrived an hour ago probably, maybe two, answer my dad smiling to me. I just node in respond. I couldn't believe that he is here right now.
- ‎your dad and your uncle were telling me how their tour was and how the towns looked beautiful, say my mom while looking at me.
- ‎Now that she's here, maybe we can talk about something else like, how's school going and boyfriend's, say Jake joking. I hope. I remark that he is still smoking. I look at him blankly. I did not know what to do nor say.
- ‎hum.. maybe later, I simply answer them. I see my mom frowning and looking at my dad. My dad leans in front so his elbows rest on his knees.
- ‎is something wrong Sweetie ? Aren't you happy to see uncle Jake and I ? Question my dad.
- ‎no, everything is fine. And yes, I am really happy to see the two of you again but I have a lot of homework to do so, I stand up and take my bag that I accidentally drop. I exit the living room and close myself in my bedroom. Why didn't my mom told me that my dad would come back today ? I am so happy to see him, even if I did not really show it but it feels so weird. It's like I'm in front of a total stranger. I sigh and close my eyes few seconds before walking to my desk and start working.

Two hours later, I finish my homework and take my earphones back before laying on my bed. I put on ''Everybody needs somebody to love''. Hearing my dad's voice calm me even if he doesn't sing a lot. Just hearing him play his harmonica is enough. I am falling asleep when I feel a hand on my back. I turn around and see Jake.

- uncle Jake ? I say while taking off my earphones.
- ‎Hey, what a warm welcomed you gave us back there, he says jockingly again.
- ‎yeah, sorry. I was a bit shocked to see the both of you right in front of me and not behind a screen, I say chuckling.
- ‎yeah, I know it can be hard, I smile to him and look down and then up when I hear him talking again. You know, when we were on tour, all your dad could talk about was you and your mom. I know it might sound cheesy but it's the truth. He then laugh. He can't stop saying how proud he is of you and to anyone. I smile to his comment. Can you imagine what the trip was like to come here ? I laugh at his reply.
- ‎yeah.. you know I do missed him.. a lot.. but I hate knowing that he came to see us and not to stay with us. I mean, we're his family not a hotel for a vacation. We need him at home.. I need him. I need a dad.
- ‎I know Lila-Rose, I know. But your old man did and had a lot in his younger life. I know he would give anything to be with the two of you but-
- ‎but he needs to do his job, I know. That's why I am not saying anything. I know he loves what he is doing with you and I love seeing him on stage too. But I wish sometimes that he would be home and we would do things together or that he will come to my shows.
- ‎your shows ? What shows ? He asks while siting beside me.
- ‎oh you know, it's just school shows, nothing more.
- ‎why don't you tell him ? I shrug my shoulders to answer him. Alright, you know what ? Let's talk about boyfriends, smoking and drinking instead, he says smirking but I stop him.
- ‎no, no, no, no, not with you, I stand up and take his hand before pulling him out of my room. I just hear him laugh and close my door.

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