(boyfriend) Damon Salvatore - From hate to love

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Lana's P.O.V.

The day I met Damon Salvatore, I hated him. I thought he was arrogant, pretentious, liked to play with girls, drinker, and all of those things that go with it. We couldn't even be in the same room without giving death glare or actually killing each other. When I met his brother, I couldn't believe they are actually from the same family. They look so different but similar in the same way. Stefan is very sweet, helps people, trusts people, drinks animal blood compare to Damon who is sweet to himself, drinks all the times and kills people because he finds this fun. I remember the first time Damon talked to me. He tried to flirt and compelled me but instead of answering his demand, I slapped him. I am also a vampire so, of course, it was hard for him to compel me. Since that day, he hated me as much as I hated him. But he had to tolerate me because of Elena. Elena is my cousin and she is all I have with Jeremy. They both know that I am a vampire and they both accepted it.

One day, all of us, Stefan, Elena, Bonnie, Damon, Caroline, Alaric, Tyler, Jeremy and I had to fight against the Originals. We didn't ask Matt for help since he is just a human. And you're going to tell me that Jeremy and Alaric as just humans too. Well, they are hunters so they have more experienced with weapons and tactics... Even though Jer is still only a beginner. We were all in the woods, during the night, vamp-speeding, tracking, fighting, biting, breaking necks,... Alaric and Jeremy were using their crossbows to kill all those extra vampires that I couldn't even tell where they come from. The Originals must have trained them or something like that and told them... Or more compelled them, to kill us so we would get tired fast and it would be easier for them to kill us.

I am fighting against one of those vampires when I break her neck and take a stake to stab her in her heart. I am so angry right now that I can't even control my anger. My fangs are out, the veins are popped under my eyes and my eyes must be red blood shot. I vamp-speed between trees, jump, break necks, stake hearts, avoid the Originals, rip hearts and heads apart,... I see Bonnie burning two of the vampires with her mind as she stares at them very concentrated. We exchange glances and nod to each other. On my right, Stefan is staking one of them, on my left, Caroline bites a girl before breaking her neck. A bit farther, Tyler is snatching a body, Alaric and Jeremy keep running around and Elena comes beside me. It's actually weird because, I was trying to avoid the Originals but I haven't seen any of them... They aren't fighting?

- We have to retract, I tell to my cousin who has blood on her mouth. Yes, Elena is also a vampire but not since long.

- What, why? She asks me with a confused tone.

- Look around, did you see any Originals here? Did you see Rebekah? Elijah? Nicklaus? Kol? I tell and ask her while lifting my arms up wide open, showing our surroundings.

- No, just those upsetting beginners, she answers with realization.

- Exactly, it's a trap Elena, Stefan comes to us, looking concerned. Suddenly, everything becomes calm... Too calm. Everyone joins us and we stand a bit everywhere away from each other.

- What happened? Asks, Jeremy, holding his crossbow as he is standing next to Alaric. Why are they all gone so fast?

- To fast you mean? Continues, Alaric, frowning as he looks carefully around.

- Something's wrong. We should go back to the boarding house before they..., Suggests, Stefan but gets cut by someone clapping their hands. We all look at where the noise comes from and see them.

- Well, well, you guys fought well, but not well enough, says, Nicklaus, looking and smirking amused at us. I was... Well, we were watching you guys fighting and I have to admit that we were impressed. But it was also very... What's the word, Elijah, help me please?

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