Tyler Lockwood - Toxic

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I was born at Mystic Falls, the town where strange things happen. Witches, werewolves, vampires, all of those supernatural things that occupied our life everyday, happens here. I grew up with my little brother and my big sister, Jeremy and Elena Gilbert. Yes, I'm the middle Gilbert child. Elena and I only have few months apart so we are in the same class. I know it's weird. I am friend with Bonnie, Matt, Vicki, Caroline, the Salvatore's brothers and Tyler. I always had a crush on Tyler but like most of girls, I am too timid to tell him. So I stay his friend while looking at him with all the girls around him. Elena and Jeremy know my crush for him and tried multiple times to help me tell him but I always refused.

This morning, I woke up and like every morning I went to take a shower after my sister. Jeremy is still asleep but not for long. I quickly take it and put on some clothes and apply my make up on  before heading downstairs to eat my breakfast. Jenna is still sleeping upstairs. I take a bowl of cereal and eat it with Elena beside me.

- don't forget the game tonight, she tells me and smiles knowing I often forget things. Tyler will be playing by the way, she says winking at me. I roll my eyes and smile.

- seriously El? No, I'm not going to forget don't worry.

- I know you won't, she answers laughing, you know he likes you too so why not trying?

- because if Tyler liked me, he would have already asked me out and he would not continue going to every girls in the cheerleading team, I take the bowl and put it in the kitchen sink. I hate seeing him with other girls but I can't do or say anything because I am not his girlfriend so I just take it on me.

- I still think you should tell him. And this is coming from you big sister, I smile and Jeremy enters the kitchen.

- What are my beautiful sisters talking about? He asks taking an apple.

- you seem very happy today, I say frowning questioningly.

- Yeah, why all this sudden happiness, Jeremy looks at the both of us smiling.

- wait, there is a girl in this happiness, am I wrong? I tell him and poke his cheek. Come on, tell us everything, I say tickling him. Elena helps me. Jeremy's laugh echoed in the whole house.

- alright, alright, I'm with Vicki.

- Vicki? As Vicki Donovan ? Question Elena. Jeremy nodes and keeps his smile. Jenna arrives, her hair messy and in pajama.

- what are you guys still doing here? You're going to be late. The three of us stand up and exit the house after screaming goodbyes to our aunt.

Elena drives us to school and the day pass by like usual. Bonnie joined Elena and I at our locker, then we heard Caroline talking loudly to everyone, the footballers screaming like usual and wearing their uniforms for tonight. Stefan arrives and Bonnie and I leave them together. Stefan's nice but I can tell that he is hiding something mysterious. Knowing my sister, she's going to do everything to find it. I was walking along the corridor when someone pushed me against a locker. I was ready to push him or her back and punch the person when I remark that it is none other than my favorite footballer.

- Tyler, hi, how are you? I ask smiling, you do know that the game is tonight right? I tell him laughing. I think you got confused between your ennemis that come tonight and your most smart, kind and beautiful friend that I am. He chuckles and back a bit away. I haven't remark but Bonnie is gone. Probably headed to class.

- Octavia, hi, I'm good and you? He replies mockingly which makes me took my eyes. Who said you are smart, kind and beautiful? I slap his arm and laugh.

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