(father) Rick Grimes - Names on the wall

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Alexandria. A rich and safe place. A place that everybody in this world wants to live in. There is food, drinkable water, houses, beds, clean and soft covers, clean clothes,... and tones of things I thought I would never see again. When we first arrived here, I was always on my guard, just like my group. We didn't know those people, we didn't know if they would accept us, we didn't know if they could hurt us or if that Aaron guy lied to us about a protective place. The Terminus was enough emotions even though all of us know that there is more coming to us. This damn world is reserving us more shitty moments.

Lately, dad has spotted a horde of walkers not far from Alexandria which got everyone worried and scared. I wanted to help him and the others to make those walkers go away, to lead them away from Alexandria but dad refused. He wanted me to stay here and watch over my little brother and my baby sister which I did. At first, I wasn't so happy about it. I was bored while thinking that I could be useful back there, helping the others. But that thought didn't last long. I was walking behind houses, trying to hide myself from the others while taking a small walk. I am not too far from my house so if something goes wrong, I can quickly run back there. I sigh as I was about to regain the front of the last house when I hear and see a man killing one of the Alexandrians. I had time to hide myself behind the wall before the guy could see me. I take my gun out and check if it is loaded before looking at where the man went. Where the hell is he? I was about to walk out of my hide when I saw a large group of men coming from nowhere, running and killing people on their way. My eyes widened of shocked but I quickly replaced it by anger. I step up in the streets and kill the first man that is running towards me. He falls dead on the ground, blood pouring out of his body. More come to me and end up like their friend. I carefully but quickly run back toward my house when I hear a woman screaming of fear not to far. What should I do? My house? Or saving that woman? I look at the windows of my house and see Carl holding a rifle. My baby brother gestures me that it is okay before his face shows panic. I frown confused and turn around, discovering a guy ready to stab me. I shoot in his head and watch the man dropping on the ground lifeless. I look across the street and remark the woman falling on the ground, dead. I shoot at the man who killed her and run to his body. I grab the saber that he had when I remark the W on his forehead. You've got to be kidding me... I glance back at the window where Carl is and he nods at me before gesturing me to go help the others. I nod to my baby brother and run away, as fast as I can to help those poor people. Hearing them screaming of scaredness and pain while dying either shot or stabbed... That is the worst thing to hear.

This place has become a graveyard. Bodies are laying on the ground, lifeless and bathing in a puddle of their own blood. The roads of the streets are almost all covered of blood. And so is the grass. I am helping the remaining people carrying our deads to a place where we can burry them as all the man with a W on their forehead are being burned outside the fence on a pyre. I put the fifteenth body of our people on the stack we created before wiping the sweat off my forehead. I sigh and walk back to the streets to look for more. I know Carl and Judith are alright, I went to check up on them when all those murderers were eliminated. I asked my brother to stay in the house which he agreed after arguing with me, of course. Carl is always scared when it concerns my safety, and so am I for them. I stop in front of a woman's body and look at her. She has her eyes open as blood is running down her forehead. They shot her without pity and she didn't even know how to defend herself... Even lifeless, her eyes are still showing pain and fear. I sigh as I feel my chest getting heavy again. It's been more and more important lately. Since what happened at the prison with the Governor, I haven't cried or express my emotions easily. I guess most people of my group haven't. I get scared for my group and the people I truly care about when they go outside Alexandria. I do. That is probably what I fear the most now. I close the woman's eyes and take her hands to lift her up and drag her to where I put all the other bodies when I hear someone calling me.

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