Rick Grimes (daughterXdad) I was lost

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When the Governor destroyed the prison, I was fighting with my group. I was standing between my dad and my brother when my father told me to go away. He kissed me on my forehead and on Carl's forehead and we all separated. I got lost and was all by myself in the forest for few days when I met Carol on my way. I was so relieved to see a familiar face. I took her in my arms and we continued our way. The both of us stayed together for days. I actually stopped counting the time. I hoped that my dad, Carl, Judith and the others are all alright. Everyday, I keep asking myself if I will ever see them again. I miss my dad, my brother and my sister so much. Every nights I cry before I fell asleep. Sometimes Carol takes me in her arms and we talk for hours.

We have been walking for hours and the sun is up in the sky. I am exhausted. Carol and I keep going, hoping to find a shelter before the night. We killed some walkers as usual, find some food and water.

- wait, slow down, she tells me while puting a hand to stop me.
- why ?
- I heard something.
- probably a walker, I tell her.
- no listen. I do as she told me. I recognize those voices. Maggie ?
- that's Maggie's voice, I say while walking toward the noise. I follow the sound when I see multiple figures. Women and men. I see Glenn, Maggie, Daryl, Carl, Judith, Michonne, and all the others. I could feel the tears rising in my eyes. My heart started beating faster. Carol follows me behind. I slow down and stop a bit before them. Just like Carol. Daryl is the first one to remark us. He runs up to us and takes Carol in his arms. I look at dad smiling feeling the tears already dropping on my cheeks. I let a sob escape my mouth. He runs to me and takes me in his arms just like Daryl did with Carol. Dad spines me around. I feel so safe at this moment.
- my baby girl, my baby, where were you ? Oh my God, I can't believe you alright,.. you alright, right ? I node and smile. Oh baby, baby, don't ever leave like that.
- we did not have any choice daddy, I whisper to him.
- I know, I know, he says and kisses me on the cheeks after erasing my tears. I love you so much Sunshine.
- I love you too Daddy, I answer him when I see Carl running up to us and taking me in his arms. It's crazy how in few days he has grown up. Hey little brother, you already taller than I am, I tell him laughing.
- I have to if I want to protect you better big sister. I laugh at his replie before pushing him slightly like I used to. I missed them so much. I take Judith in my arms and kiss the top of her head. She has grown up too it's crazy. I love them so much.

Rick smiles at the sight of his three kids hugging each other. They are his treasures and at this moment he never felt so happy since a long time.

 They are his treasures and at this moment he never felt so happy since a long time

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