(Father) Danny Reagan - Our bundle of joy

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Danny's P.O.V.

I'm running through the white corridors of the hospital, after driving through New York at the fastest speed I could be. I can't believe it is finally time. I am going to meet my first baby. It's scary and stressful... but so exciting at the same time. I quickly arrive to a desk where two nurses are sitting on chairs behind it. The one of the left is on the phone, talking with a citizen as the other one is filling some papers. I arrive in front of them in a rush, breathless and nervous.

- Excuse me? They both look up at me, waiting for me to continue. I'm... I'm here for my wife. She's about to give birth to my child. Her name is Linda Reagan.

- You have to go to the third floor, sir, answers, one of the nurses. I groan and run immediately to the elevator.

I press on the button and wait for it to arrive to my level. It's taking too long... I press repetitively on the button before groaning again, frustrated. I run to the staircases which aren't far from the elevator. I speed up the staircases until joining the third floor. I was already breathless, I am worst now. I can feel my heart beating rapidly and strongly in my chest. The heartbeats are so strong that I can hear them echoing in my ears. But I don't pay attention to it. It's not the most important thing right now. I enter the third floor, still in a rush as I begin to panic. I don't want to miss the birth of my first child and I need to be there for my beautiful wife. I hear some nurses screaming at me to stop running and to calm down.

- Sir! Sir! You cannot run in here! I hear a nurse telling me firmly as she runs after me.

- I know, but I'm in a rush, I answer before bumping into another nurse. Sorry.

- Sir, are you looking for someone? questions, gently the nurse as she remarks how stressed and panicked I am right now. I can feel some sweat rolling down my forehead due to the running and the stress.

- Yes, I am looking for my wife. She about to give birth, I answer with a stressed voice.

- Okay, what's her name? she asks me.

- Linda Reagan, I answer while passing next to her, moving her from my path. She's stopping me. I don't have time to lose! I look into each rooms everytime I walk by one. But in each of them, I don't see my wife. In which room did they put Linda?

- Sir, your wife is down the cooridor, on the right, room 341, informs me, the nurse as she is trying to keep up with my pace. I thank her and run to the room she indicated me.

I turn to the right like the nurse told me when I hear a woman screaming and groaning in a pain. Linda baby... I run faster and arrive to the room, bursting the door open. Three nurses are around my wife who is laying on a hospital bed, ready to give birth to our little girl. Linda looks exhausted, tired, in pain but exciting at the same time. I smile and let a sigh of relief when I see that I am not too late. The nurses immediately turned around to look at me with a confused frown.

- Who is that man? Please get him out! tells, the woman standing in front of Linda with a hand on her huge belly.

- Wha... No, I'm her husband! I answer, my stare never leaving my beautiful wife.

- Oh, you're Me. Reagan, replies, the same nurse.

- Yes, I answer, nodding when Linda suddenly screams in pain due to the contractions. Linda, I call my wife nervously as I try to get to her side.

- Dr. Stevens, give Mr. Reagan a blouse, orders, the woman before she takes her hand off of my wife's huge belly. One of the two other nurses gives me a blouse and I immediately rush to the side of my wife.

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