Stefan Salvatore - I never regret meeting you

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Ilona's P.O.V.

- Oh my God, Stefan, I'm done! You want to have fun with Elena or Katherine, I don't know which one but, does it really matter? No, it doesn't! But fine! Go see them since you seem to miss those doppelgangers so much! I exclaim with an upset and mad tone to my vampire boyfriend as I walk rapidly toward the stairs. Stefan catches my arm but I rip it off immediately from his grip and continue my way. Just leave me the hell alone! I scream at him as I run up the stairs of the Salvatore boarding house to go get my stuff. The vampire is following me closely behind. I enter his bedroom in fury and grab my bag to put all of my clothes and stuff back in.

- Ilona, please. We need to talk! What you saw isn't what you think, insists, Stefan while trying to block my way to stop me. I shake my head and scoff, looking madly at him before passing next to him to go to his bathroom to take my hairbrush, my toothbrush, my make up and my perfume. I put everything in my bag and try to exit his bathroom but he stops me catching my arms. Ilona, please, just listen to me. I beg you.

- I don't want to listen to you, Stefan! That is the least of things that I want to do right now! I reply madly to the vampire, not able to ignore him right now. He stares down at me with a sad, scared and hurt frown. I trusted you, I gave everything to you. I gave you my love, I give you my heart, I give you my first time, I let tears fall out for you when you were a Ripper or when you were down, I let opportunities fly away for you and just for you! I point with my finger on his chest, lightly pushing him at the same time as my voice risen more and more. Anger and sadness can be heard in it. Why did I even do that? I'm so stupid! I did all of this, in the end, to see you kissing one of the doppelgangers near the fire place, holding each other, I could feel the tears rising up in my eyes when a question came to my mind. What was she doing here anyway? Which one was it? Stefan nods and looks down, biting his lower lip before looking back up at me.

- It was Katherine, Ilona, responds calmly, the vampire. I scoff and shake my head left to right as I look away.

- What was she doing here? I ask, repeating my question, sounding madly.

- I invited her over, he admits to me.

- For what? I ask my arms up. But I quickly roll my eyes and nod. If this is another plan you made with Damon and everyone to fool someone you're all trying to catch, you could have told...

- It isn't... It isn't, Ilona, answers, my boyfriend. I frown confused and shake my head. Stefan looks down, frowning sadly and... guilty? He didn't invited her over for a plan?

- So, why did you invited her over? I ask again a bit more calmly even though I am boiling inside.

- While you were gone, her and I... spend quiet some time together, confesses, the vampire as he looks down nervously.

- Like what? You went doing bars to drink Tequilas? I question dumbly, hoping it isn't what I think.

- No, Stefan passes his hand behind his neck, we had... some private moments, I take a breathe in while feeling the tears ready to fall down. I slowly nod to the vampire and look away hurt. He cheated on me...

- I... I look down at my bag in my hand, I think that says it all, I whisper lowly and sadly. I see Stefan nodding and having tears as well in his eyes. Neither of us know what to say, we both are speechless. I let my tears falling down before passing next to the vampire to exit the boarding house. I don't have anything to do here... I run down the stairs and cross my path with the oldest brother.

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