Pietro Maximoff - I love you

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In this story, I'll talk about a girl being self-conscious on her weight. Please, do not feel ashamed of your body because you are too chubby or too thin. You're all perfect no matter what. Don't listen to people's comments/judges because it doesn't matter what they think about you. If they don't like what they see, too bad for them, they'll have to deal with it.

I was going to go practice a little bit outside today but when I saw the rain, I decided to go to the gym. I hope nobody is there though. I don't like when there are too many people. I'm a little chubby so I don't like doing sport in front of others.
When I arrive there, Steve and Pietro are boxing. They must have been here for at least an hour because they are sweating like crazy. The both of them haven't see me yet. I won't lie that I have a little... Well, big crush on Pietro. His silver hair, his smile, his accent, the way he talks, laughs, everything about this man is smooth/sexy. Even when he runs fast. I take a breath when I realize that I am going to practice in front of him. I start to feel the stress rising up. Here or not, I need to do what I came to do. I enter the gym a bit more and the two men stop their boxing.

- oh hum.. do you mind if I come training in the gym. I won't disturb you, you are a new member in the Avengers team so you kinda feel like some of them don't appreciate you. Like this guy Pietro Maximoff. Too bad, you have a crush on him.
- of course ma'am, answer Steve. I smile to them shyly and start doing my squats, my push ups,... It's been an hour that I am in the gym and Steve and Pietro left thirty minutes ago. I am all sweaty but it feels good to do some sport.

I decide to take a break for two minutes and restart training. I run this time. I start running in the gym, doing circles. I am lucky that the gym is as big as a football field. I am doing my 6th round when I bumped into someone making me fall on my butt. I look up and discover Pietro. He is looking down at me while my cheeks are burning up ashamed.

- sorry, I didn't see you, he says while helping me standing up. Are you alright ? Did I hurt you ?
- yes huh no.. I mean, yes I'm alright and no you didn't hurt me, I say chuckling lightly which makes him crack a smile. I look at his beautiful blue/grey eyes. I could get lost in them. The silence between us two starts to get awkward. I look somewhere else than his face. It is the first time that I am so close to him and it's also the first time that I realize how tall he is compare to me. I arrive at his torso. Hum.. I'm gonna go back to my room, I have been here for at least two hours now.
- Can I walk you to your room ? He asks so gently with his accent. I look at his eyes and node. I am melting inside.

He grabs my bag without even letting me the time to take it and we walk back to my room. We talked a little bit while walking there but there still was this awkward moments. When I arrive at my room he gives me my bag.

- You know, I think sometimes we should train together, he says looking down at me and smiling. I feel my cheeks burning up for the second time and node while smiling. Is after tomorrow good for you ? He asks me by my surprise.
- huh, well yes, I think so, I replied smiling.
- Good, then I'll see you at the party tonight with this others, he winks at me and walks away. I enter my room with butterflies inside my belly. Okay, I need to stop because there are no possibilities that he likes me. I'm too chubby.

I walk in the bathroom to take a shower and like everyday, I look at myself in the mirror. I hate what I see. I hate being chubby, I hate the color of my eyes, my height,... I put my hands on my stomach and push a little bit to make a flat stomach before sighing. Tears already roll down my cheeks. I hear my watch beeping and I realize that I have 30 minutes to get ready. I erase the tears that innonded my cheeks and turn around to enter my shower.

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