Tyler Lockwood - I love you

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We were all siting in the Salvatore's living-room when Jeremy came in running. He was with my idioticex-boyfriend who is hunter just like him. He told us thatNoah, my ex, wanted to kill all vampires that cross his path and especially the Salvatore's brothers. Noahand I were together for two years but I wasn't happy so I decided tobroke up with him. I spend a lot of time with Tyler since my break upand I have to admit that I have developped feelings for him. But Iknow he doesn't feel the same about me. He likes Caroline or at least, it is what I think since they always are together. I'm just like a little sisterfor him.

- We have a problem guys, say Jeremy panicking while running inside the Salvatore's living-room. Noah is going crazy. He is on his way to God knows where to grab all his weapons.

- What ? Ask Elena while standing up. Why ? What does he want to do ?

- I don't know, he was so mad this morning. Madder than usual. Do you have any idea of where he could have went ? He asks and looks at me. Everyone turns their gaze on me. I am siting between Bonnie and Elena while all the others are standing around.

- How should I know ? I broke up with him months ago, remember ? I--- then I realize where he can be. When we were together, Noah brought me to a small cave in the forest not far from here. He told me that I was the only one that he brought to this place and would be the last one.

- Maelle ? call me gently Tyler while walking toward me. I look at him and then everyone.

- I know what he is going to do, and I know where he is.

- Where ? What is he going to do ? Ask Damon angry. I sigh and shook my head before standing up.

- You guys can't come. It's... Noah is crazy. When I broke up with him, he swore to me that I would regret it. I guess hurting you guys, is part of his plan.

- Alright, let's go ! Say Stefan. They all start to walk outside but I stopped them.

- No ! You guys can't come. You already are an easy target for Noah but you going there, it's signing your death. It's suicidal for you two especially.

- Maelle, I'll confront Noah, death or not, tell me Damon. I roll my eyes and sigh. I feel an arm going around my shoulders.

- Come on. Guide us to your fucking ex, say Tyler. I chuckle and walk to the front.

We all run through the dark wood, tothe cave Noah brought me to. I could feel my heart pounding fast in mychest. I remember moments I passed with him, the laughs we had, memeeting him at his work at the Mystic Grill, playing soccer withhim,... All of this good moments we had were amazing but it wasbefore. I let them in the past and so should Noah. I stop walking inthe middle of the forest, looking at my left and then at my right.Everyone behind me stops waiting for me to continue. Something isn'tright, I can feel it.

- Maelle ? Ask Tyler beside me. I look up at him frowning before sighing. You don't remember where to go ?

- No, I do, it's on our left but something isn't right.

- What's wrong? ask Bonnie walking to me. Everyone circles me.

- Something's wrong. I look between Damon and Stefan before pushing them. GUYS RUN, NOW ! Everyone spreads. I went to the right, running and running. I saw Noah's in the dark pointing his crossbow at the brothers. I jump over a dead trunk and keep running. I see Caroline not far from me running as fast as I do. Just then, I felt something on my neck. I stop on my running and take the thing off. I look in front of me seeing Tyler jumping over a trunk and calling me before blacking out.

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