(father) Danny Reagan - Our new beginning at five...

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Danny's P.O.V.

- I wonder how the boys are going to react, Tells me, Linda, after I parked the car in front of our house. I can't believe we are bringing our first baby girl home! She's so precious, so beautiful, so perfect... She already looks like Linda and I love it!

- They'll probably be as excited as we are, I answer to my wife, smiling joyfully at her. Linda smiles back at me, lightly giggling at the same time.

- Or they'll freak out, she replies with a joking tone. I laugh and lean in to kiss her lips with a full passion before the two of us step out of the car. I grab the stroller sack with our precious Ellie and carefully get her out of the car. She's so quiet... Jack and Sean weren't that quiet when they were born... She probably got that from Linda as well... I slowly close the car door and lock the engine. Linda has taken her bag from the trunk of the car before she started to walk up the steps towards our house. I join her sides, smiling while making sure to not wake up our Princess. Linda and I glance at each other with a happy smile before she opens the door of our house. The first thing we heard is the sound of our two boys, my niece and my sister's voice and laugh echoing from the kitchen. Hello, is there anyone home? Asks, Linda, speaking with a playful tone as she puts her bag down.

- Mom! Dad! We hear Jack and Sean screaming in unisson from the kitchen. Then, rapid steps are following their scream until we see them two rushing up to us. A smile spread on both their faces, sparkles in their eyes at the sight of us. I mean, it has been few days that we were gone... My two boys rush up immediately to their mother, embracing her without waiting a second. I love that...

- Hi, welcome home! I hear Erin welcoming us in our house, a smile spread on her face. Nicky is following her mother behind, looking as happy as her to see us.

- Hey, thanks, sis, I thank my sister, smiling and nodding at her at the same time. Right when I was about to show our little princess sleeping in her stroller sack, my two boys come up to me, hugging me as well. Hey guys! How are you? I ask to my two little men, chuckling. I pulled our baby girl carefully on the side, making sure they wouldn't knock her or accidentally wake her up. Were they good? I question to my sister, looking up at her.

- They were very good, she replies, nodding positively. Suddenly, Erin looks down at our little bundle of joy, looking in love of her already. Is that our little Ellie? She questions, delicately taking the stroller sack from me to free my hand. I hand it to her and she carefully places it on the floor.

- Yes, this is our sleepy Ellie, answers, Linda, joining Erin's sides to look down at our baby girl. Nicky joins the side of her mother, smiling to the sight of her new cousin.

- She's so cute! Exclaims, my niece, with a loving tone.

- She's adorable! Says, Erin, replacing correctly the blanket covering my baby girl.

- She looks small, suddenly tells, Sean, sounding surprised of her size. Linda, Erin, Nicky and I laugh amused at his comment.

- She's a baby, Sean. Of course she's small, replies, Jack, sounding slightly annoyed, yet, also amused by his brother. Jack nods his head up and down, realizing why our new addition to the family is so small. I continue to smile happily, glancing at the girls being all over Ellie. This little one is going to be a popular one in the family... I look at the boys again when I see them frowning not too happy.

- Why do you guys have this face right now? Aren't you happy to have a little sister? I ask to my boys with a slight confused tone, yet, keeping a small smile. Linda and Erin look up at them while Nicky stays next to the baby. Jack and Sean stay quiet in front of us, their faces still showing... I am actually not quiet sure what their faces are showing. Nervousness? Fear? Dislike? Bother?

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