(father) Stefan Salvatore - Happy birthday

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- I still don't get why you didn't call Elena to go play some pool table, I mean, she's your girlfriend, right dad? I tell my father while he parks his car in the town square of Mystic Falls. We both get out of his car and walk to the Grill.

- Because I want to spend some time with my daughter, is that a bad thing? He asks whispering so nobody will hear him while passing an arm around my shoulders at the same time. I chuckle and shake my head.

- Hey, you know what day we are today? I question him, looking up at my father, hoping he remembers.

- Saturday, why? Responds, dad, frowning confused. Don't tell me you had something to do.

- Huh.. No... No, I look down while we arrive to the Grill. It's almost the end of the afternoon and he still hasn't wish me a happy birthday. That's the first time he forgets it. Dad holds the door open for me and I enter the place which is full of people.

- So, what do you want to play? Darts? Pool table? Nothing? Drink? I look up at him, seeing him smiling gently at me. I look back to the room, looking for a pool table without people around it.

- Well, I'd love to play some pool table but it looks taken, dad looks at the tables and nods. Maybe we could get something to drink while waiting?

- Sure! What do you want, Am? Questions, dad, while walking to a table. I follow him and sit in a chair as dad stays up.

- The usual, I answer while nodding and smiling. Dad smiles back and walks to the bar to get our drinks.

I still can't believe he forgot about my birthday today. And when I think about it, nobody wished it to me either. Not even Uncle Damon or my friends. I sigh and look at the pinky orange purple sky outside, as the sun sets down slowly. I hear a group of boys screaming happily. I turn my head around and see some students of my school laughing. Dad comes back with the drinks and sits down in front of me. I take a sip of my smoothie when I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. I put my glass down and look at what it is.

- Who is it? Asks dad while taking a sip of his coffee. Not a birthday wishes if that can remind you of something.

- It's Caroline. She's coming over tonight for the project we have to present in class next week, I answer while answering to Care's message before putting my phone down. I sigh and take another sip of my drink while looking at the pool tables.

- Are you okay, baby? Whisper, dad, frowning confused. I look back at him and nod while smiling.

- Of course, why I wouldn't be? I respond, lying. Of course, I'm not fine. My own dad forgot about my birthday. It's been over a century now that we do my birthday, how can he forget?

- Hey, look! There's a table getting free. We should go before someone takes it, I nod and stand up with my glass to walk to the pool table dad talked about. My father grabs the sticks and hands one to me. I take it while puting all the balls in the triangle. I retrieve the triangle and look at my father with a faint smile. I let you start, Honey.

I lean in and begin to play. Dad let me win the first round, however, he won the next two rounds. I hand him the stick while laughing and finishing my glass. Even though he forgot about my birthday, I still had a bit of fun today. I hand my empty glass to my father when my phone rings this time. I hope it's someone wishing me my birthday. I look at the I.D. and see that it is uncle Damon.

- Yes, dear uncle, what can I do for you? I ask him while watching my father bringing the glass back and paying.

- I need you and your father home, I'll explain later, I didn't even have time to reply that Damon hangs up. I frown confusedly while puting my phone back in my back pocket when my father comes back to me.

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