Bellamy Blake - Love always comes after war

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It's been two days now that I came back at the camp. Mount Weather got destroyed and the Grounders betrayed us. Some  of our people are badly wounded, some are not too much wounded but they can't walk or move and only few who were forced to stay at the camp are okay. Octavia came back with Lincoln, Jasper, Monty and Clarke yesterday. Clarke was covered of blood and mud. O wasn't really hurt and Lincoln only got bruised. I don't know how he does that to not have anything else than bruises. I maen, everyone almot left their lives there and him comes back with bruises.

What about Bellamy ? Bellamy hasn't come back yet. His sister saw him for the last time at Mount Weather before it exploded. Since then, it's radio silence. I didn't exit my tent since everyone came back. We did lost a lot of people since we landed on Earth but Bellamy... It's just too much to take. I can't think or imagine how I'll live if his dead. I love him. I love him more than anything. Before we went fighting for our camp, the both of us promised each other, between friends, to come back.

I am laying on my bed, hot tears rolling down my cheeks and holding Bellamy's jacket tightly against my chest. I haven't move since yesterday. The day began few hours ago and everyone is already working. Abby needs to sanitize Clarke's wounds, others need to dig holes for the deads and some people are cleaning the camp. I wipe my tears for the umpteenth times when someone enters my tent.

- He hasn't come back yet, tells me Octavia. Her voice is full of concerned and nervousness. She is shaking. I look at her with my eyes full of tears and she comes hugging me. He will come back Dev', I promise you, she tells me touching Bellamy's jacket. I can tell she is trying not to cry.

- I should be the one telling you that. He's your brother, I whisper her.

- Maybe, but you were like his girlfriend, I stare at her nervously and sadly.

- How...

- With all you little glances, the way you talked to each other, watched out for each other, always asking opinions on and to each other, always helping each other for anything, it was as clear as some clear water that you liked each other. I look down and nod.

- Unfortunately, we are not together O.

- Devon, come on, I know how you feel about my brother and I know how he does feel for you too, I smile lightly, which I haven't done for three days now. My smile fades away quickly.

- You mean did.

- Bellamy talked a lot about you after we landed on Earth and that you and I spend a lot of time together. After several weeks, I understood why he was always asking me how you were doing or if you needed anything. Tears roll down again against my cheeks but I smile anyway. You know, Bellamy always protected me whether we were on the Arc or on Earth. Knowing that he might never come back scared me so much. I know, I have Lincoln but... She doesn't finish her sentence and burst out crying.

- He's going to come back, Octavia, and I'll always be there for you. You're like a sister to me as well, I tell her remembering the first thing she told me when we landed on Earth. She looks at me and smiles before resting her head on my shoulder.

- thanks, Dev', I couldn't see myself crying in front of Lincoln right now. Plus he's helping some guys to burry corps. I smile and nod. We both lay down on my bed while remembering and telling each other stories about Bellamy.

Tears are rolling down on both our cheeks but with some laughs times to times. A good hour has passed and I see Octavia getting up. She wipes her cheeks and smiles.

- I'm going to go see Lincoln, she tells me walking to the exit of my tent. You should go out and breath some fresh air too.

- I will, Octavia smiles and gets out of my tent. I am still wearing Bellamy's jacket. The sleeves are way too long and the bottom of it arrives right up my knees but I don't care. I get up and exit my tent as well.

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