D.Hws (Scavo family) I was scared

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This morning, I woke up with my brothers screaming at each other.. like ever other mornings. I groaned and sat up before going downstairs to take my breakfast. I know penny is already under the shower. When I arrived downstairs, my mom was cooking pancakes, my dad was drinking his coffee and my brothers were debating about who is the best brother. I sigh and smile faintly before sitting between the twins. Porter and Preston are twins and they are 16 years old, my other brother, Parker, is 15 years old, than there is me, I am 14 years old and the last one, Penny, is 9 years old.

- morning sweetie, how are you ? Did you sleep well ? You have a big day today, Ask and say my mom smiling.
- I'm good mom and yes I did sleep well but I'm still tired, I replied laughing while she hands me a plate of pancakes with chocolate on it.
- are you ready to visit the museum ? Ask my dad still drinking his coffee.
- yes, I hope we are visiting the Egyptian side.
- you little nerdy, I don't get why you like those stuff, laugh Porter which caused my two other brothers to chuckle. I push him lightly which makes him smile.
- hey, no violence mom say it everyday, tell Preston to me, eating his pancakes.
- Preston, you're the violent one and Porter, at least there is one nerd in this family. I turn to my mom and dad, I am not puting you two in this. My mom winks at me and smiles just like dad. Penny comes and hug me. I give my place to her while I go take my shower.

An hour later, I am sitting in the bus, beside my best friend, that bring my class and I to the museum. The trip was not too long but enough for me to fall asleep. Kylie, my best friend, woke me up when we arrived. Kylie has brown hair and brown eyes. She is taller than I. I get off the bus and the teachers divided us in four groups. Lucky me, Kylie is in my group. We smile to each other and enter the museum. The teacher, Mr. Jones, first shows us the Greek side. It's so beautiful and amazing ! We all take some pictures while passing by. It's been 3h and we finally finished visiting the Greek side. Mr. Jones guides us to the cafeteria and we all settle down to it a bit. I eat my sandwich with Kylie and two other girls. We were talking about our project on the Egyptian gods when we heard a gunshot. Everybody stopped talking, it was so silent until we heard another one. All kids get up and run toward the exit. Guards are helping some of us to go outside. I am still with Kylie when one of the guard pushes me on the opposite way with Kylie. He is wearing an officer uniform and is small. He ordered few boys and girls to follow him. Mr. Jones is screaming for us to come but the guard wouldn't let us go. Mr. Jones comes with us. I frown and look at my best friend who seems scared. I won't lie, I am too. The guard stops walking and men enter the room with there guns. Several gasps are heard.

- Sit down ! order the guard to us which we obey. We are all sitting on the ground, waiting for what is going to happen. I can feel my hand shaking.
- Rico, say a man walking toward the guard. I can't tell how he looks like, his face is covered just like all of them, except the guard.. or should I say Rico. Why did you take them with you ?
- you said you needed hostage sir, Answer Rico proud of what he did. The man laughs and slaps hardly Rico on his face which caused him to fall on the floor. All of us, remote, scared. His forehead is bleeding.
- Sorry I miss understood, the man walk away before looking at us.
- We can't let them here, either you shoot them or lock them in a room. Your choice guys. The man exits the room and all his co-workers point their guns at us. I couldn't hold my emotions anymore and started to cry just like everyone around me. Even Mr. Jones has tears in his eyes. I look at Kylie who hides her face. I look back at the men sobbing. Just when the men started to count down, we heard police's cars. All of them stopped pointing their guns at us. I felt a bit relieved but not completely yet. The man who slapped Rico in the face comes back.
- everyone, take whatever you can and get out ! He screams.
- And what about them ? And me ? Ask Rico. They saw my face but not yours.
- that's your problem son, is the last thing the man said to him. Kylie and I are still hugging each other scared. The men exploded the glasses that keep the exposed stuff of the museum.
- Let the hostages exit the building and then we can talk, say the police man for the twentieth times now. The man doesn't look scared nor threaten. The group of men exits the room, letting Rico, my teacher, some students and I alone. Rico looks at us.
- if one of you talk about me or anything that happened here, I find you and take care of you, he says his voice half trembling and not really sure what to say. He seems a bit crazy. We all node before he runs away.
- alright kids, say Mr. Jones, come on. We all get up run to the exit. The doors open and we all get out one by one. I am the last one to exit. An office checked us all before letting us go.

Parents are here, waiting for their kids or for supporting their friends. Kylie is already near her family. Her dad an mom are around her, hugging her and erasing her tears. Dozens of police's cars are parked and few ambulances are ere as well. Everyone is crying of happiness. I am walking slowly trying to find my mom, my dad or even my brothers or sister when I heard a familiar female voice.

- Oh my god, Sweetie, we're here, cry my mom. She is agitating her hands in the air to show me where she is while walking fast. I smile and cry at the same time before running to them. Yes, them. My dad, my brothers and my little sister are there too.
- mom ! Dad ! I say sobbing and taking her in my arms.
- honey, are you okay ? Did they harmed you ?
- not but I was really scared. I thought they were going to shoot us when they pointed their guns on us. I thought I was never going to see all of us, I was still sobbing. My dad takes me in his arms too. I am not tall so my head rest on his chest.
- you're okay now, nothing can happen to you while you're with us, say my dad, tightening his embrace. It makes me feel safe and relieved. It's like I can breath again.
- hey little sister, say Preston, you gave us a scared here.
- we want a hug too, continue Parker.
- come here, me first, say Porter.
- no me first, say Penny. I laugh and hug Penny first. Then Porter who elevated me in the air while hugging me. Parker kisses the top of my head and balances us right to the left. And Preston embraces me before turning on himself, making my feet flying. He used to always do this when we were younger. He puts me back down and erase my tears. I look back at my parents who are smiling and crying.
- Let's go back home, say dad with his arms around my mom. It's pizza tonight, They all cheered while I node. Preston and Porter are each on my side, their arm around my shoulders. Parker has Penny's hand in his. The five of us walk in front our parents laughing and joking on the twins. We enter the car and go back home.

That night, my brothers, Penny and I went in the garden playing a board game like before. We played for two hours and then we started talking about moments of our childhoods, of our first fight together, of our first lie to mom or dad, our biggest incident,... I was laughing when I looked up and see my parents watching us from their bedroom. I smile at them and they walk away after smiling to me. We might fight a lot but we sure do anything for each other.

 We might fight a lot but we sure do anything for each other

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