Chapter 7

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Harry's P.O.V

I was walking into the cafeteria and I was looking for Tracey. All if the sudden Kendall blocked my way.

"Hey Harry."


"Umm... I was wondering if you wanted to come to my Halloween party next week."

"Oh sorry I have plans."

"With who?"

"None of your god damn business."

"Okay. Bye Harry."

I looked at the date on my phone and saw that Halloween was next Friday. I needed to get a costume. Maybe Tracey and I could get one after school. I sat down at my regular lunch table and I saw Tracey sitting with Makayla and Sabrina in the front by the doors. Tracey saw me and smiled. She then continued talking. I was snapped out of my thoughts to hear Louis talking.

"So what's the deal with you and Tracey?"

"As you know me and her are gonna be brother and sister but she likes me and I like her so we are secretly dating."

"Oh that's cool. Like Ninjas."


Tracey's P.O.V

I was sitting at the lunch table explaining me and Harry to Makayla and Sabrina.

"Harry and I are secretly dating since we are gonna be brother an sister but he likes me an I love him so...Yeah."

"Awe it's like a romantic movie. Except it's your reality."


I then saw Harry,Niall,Liam,Zayn, and Louis walk over to our table and sit with us.

"We are invading your table."


"Speaking of the devil. I was just talking to the boys about us. So they know. Is that okay?"

"Yeah! I told the girls."

"Okay good so now I can kiss you in front of them like this."

Harry then connected our lips and it made the sparks fly. Our lips moved in sync until we both stopped when Louis threw a jacket over our heads.

"Get a room you two!"

Harry and I laughed and he took the jacket off our heads. Harry then put his hand in my thigh under the table. He then turned to me.

"So next weekend is Halloween as I don't have a costume and I don't think you have one so... wanna go after school? We can go out to dinner afterwards."

He then intertwined our fingers. I smiled and he chuckled. I nodded and he smiled. The rest of lunch Niall and Makayla were talking and so were Sabrina and Liam. They were really hitting it off. Harry and Zayn and I were watching Louis as he was throwing food at Kendall. I then noticed a different girl sitting with them. I usually saw her with the popular girls like Eleanor and Perrie.

She saw me and and smiled. I smiled back. She looks familiar. Oh right! she used to be my math partner until Harry came. What's her name? Celia? No. Carly? No. Oh that's right it's Colette. She waved and I waved back. Kendall saw me and she flipped me off. I then flipped her off back. She gasped and she got up. She walked over to the table.

"I don't know who the hell you think you are but don't act like your some tough bitch that is cool. Just because your step brother is Harry doesn't mean that your cool now."

He words hurt. But I didn't give a shit. I stood and faced her. Everyone was looking at us. All if the guys had their phone out and they were recording except for Harry. Makayla and Niall sat their with smiles on their face for some reason and Liam an Sabrina were....Not at the table anymore.

"So what if I'm not cool. I'm not trying to be some fake bitch like you."

"Oh no you didn't! You stupid bitch!" She lunged towards me and before I knew what was happening was I was laying on the floor being punched. I then exploded! I couldn't take it anymore! I pushed her off of me and stood up.

"Awe is the bitch gonna do something or wait for me to move?"

I lunged at her and she landed on the ground. I then began punching her until I could see blood coming out of her nose. I then got up and she pulled me back down. I then got punched in the face. She kept hitting me until I punched her and she got off of me. She now had a bloody nose and she had a few scratches on her face. I on the other hand had a bloody nose, and a black eye. A teacher ran and dragged me down to the office with Kendall.

Oh great! Its time to visit the principal!

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