Chapter 53

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Tracey's P.O.V

I could see nothing just total darkness. Am I dying?? No. Maybe. I don't know and I don't care. I could hear some crying but I know it's not me because I stopped crying before I passed out. I tried to move but my body as weak from all the blood that I was losing.

Harry's P.O.V

Ashton called Tracey's mom, Amber and she said that she would meet us at the hospital. We got to the hospital and I grabbed her and I ran in with Ashton.

"Help! Can I have some help!?"

A nearby doctor ran over and put her on a gurney.

"What happened son?"

"She was having a nervous breakdown and cut her arms. I found her in her room like this. She was laying in a puddle of blood."

"Okay let me take her back and see what I can do."

"Can I go back??"

"Who are you to her??"

"I'm Harry. I'm her brother. Our parents are on the way."

"Okay well you can't go back now. I call you when you can."

The doctor rushed her in the ER and we waited out in the waiting room. Ashton sat in one corner and I sat in the other. He wasn't talking to me and I wasn't talking to him. He was probably really upset with me.

Ashton's P.O.V

Why?? Why would she do this?? She promised she would stop this! I know I shouldn't be angry but I am. Last time Tracey harmed herself it was because Harry and her broke up.

Now this time she just had a freak attack! I don't understand! I decided to ask Harry. I spoke up softly first so I didn't come off to strong and angry.

"What happened Harry?"


"What happened before I got there??"

"I don't know pretty much all that happened was we talked an went swimming."

"What did you talk about??"

"Not much just about you and her." Me? Why were they talking about me?? I know that I couldn't have triggered this freak attack. Could I??

Harry's P.O.V

I saw my dad run in. I got up and ran to him. I hugged him and he hugged back. I started to cry. I couldn't lose Tracey! Tracey's mum came in next. She embraced me and I embraced her. She cried and then she hugged my dad.

"What happened Harry?" I explained everything that happened. We waited for another 2 hours before a doctor came out.

"Harry??" I shot up out of my seat and raced over to him.

"Yes?? How is she??"

"Umm... She is stable but she did lose a lot of blood so she is a little light headed and confused. You can go in now."

"Okay." I walked over to my dad and Tracey's mum and told them that we could go in. They decided to go in first and then Ashton would go in and then I would go in last. Tracey's mum and my dad walked out and they were crying. Well they were crying before but even harder. Now Ashton was going in.

Ashton's P.O.V

I walked into the room Tracey was in and saw her watching the show Catfish. She looked pretty upset. Before I officially walked in I knocked. She looked over and saw me. She smiled an I smiled. I walked over to her and gave her a hug.

"Hey Ash."

"Hey babe. How are you feeling?"

"Okay. A little light headed but I'm starting to feel better."

"Can I ask you a question??"

"Yeah sure."

"Why Trace?? Why?? You promised you wouldn't do it again yet you did! Why?!" Tears were streaming down my face and hers.

"Because I was stupid and I got upset. I just started trashing my room and I needed to get rid of some pain so I did it okay?! You don't understand what it's like to go through so much pain all at once! It's like getting hit by a bus over and over again!"

"I'm starting to understand how it feels because every time I hear about this happening or I see it on your wrist I start to angrier and angrier that I wasn't there for you!"

"Can you just leave! Please!! Just leave! I'll call you later! Just let me calm down before I do or say anything else stupid!!" I walked out of the room and just walked out of the hospital. I didn't want to be there. It caused me to much trouble.

Harry's P.O.V

I saw Ashton just walk totally walk out and I stood. I watched him get a taxi ad leave. I walked over to her room and walked in. She had tears streaming down her face. She looked up ad gave me a weak smile.

"Hey Haz."

"Hey Tracey. Why are you crying?"

"Just a lot happened. I got grounded for cutting so I get my phone and laptop taken away from me for two weeks. Then I may have just totally lost Ashton. The only good part was that I was with you today." She smiled at the last part. I smiled too. I embraced her in a hug. I kissed her forehead and then we started talking about what her and Ashton talked about. She soon fell asleep and the doctor called me out into the hallway.

"Yes doctor?"

"She seems to be doing better but I'm going to do a few more check ups on her then you and her parents new to fill out paper work and then she can leave in the next 2 or 3 hours."

"Okay. Thank you." I walked back in and found a sleeping Tracey. She was in her sitting up position so I moved her back a little and pulled up the covers so she didn't get cold. I kissed her cheek and a smile crept on her face. I then whispered a quick 'I love you' in here ear and then left her in there peacefully.

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