Chapter 44

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Harry's P.O.V

I walked over to Lindsey who was shivering in the kitchen in a towel. I wanted to apologize but she was being a bitch to Tracey. I decided to anyway.

"Lindsey I am so sorry. I don't know why she acted like that."

"It's okay. But why didn't you stick up for me? Am I an embarrassment? Do you not want to be with me?"

All that was running through my head was my sub conscious thoughts.

No I don't want to date you. I want to be with Tracey.

But she's with Ashton.

And yes you kind if are an embarrassment. Oh and by the way I'm not sorry.

"No. I want to be with you. I was trying to comprehend. How about we go lay down upstairs? Tracey isn't here. She's gonna be staying with Ashton."

"Okay. What do you wanna do when we get upstairs?"

I liked the eager side of Lindsey. I smiled and connected our lips. She jumped and wrapped her legs around my body and I carried us upstairs. We fell onto my bed and then we started taking off our clothes. One thing led to another. I fell asleep next to her.

Tracey's P.O.V

I smile at the comment Ashton said.

"Because you're everything I've ever hoped and prayed for."

Wow. I couldn't get those words out of my head. He was fast asleep and I was awake. I decided to look on my phone. I looked on Twitter and Instagram before falling asleep. I woke up to the sound of my phone going off. I rolled over and saw a random number. I answer it anyway.


"Hi. Tracey?"

"Yes. Who is this?"

"Oh it's Colette. From school. Michael's girlfriend."

"Oh hi Colette. Can I ask you why you are calling me?"

"Oh I wanted to catch up with you and try to reconnect our friendship since I left Kendall's group since she moved."

"Oh yeah well umm... I am free today if you want to go do something."

"Okay! How about the mall today at 2:30?"

"Okay. Sounds good! I will see you there."

"Okay! Bye!" She hung up the phone. I sat up with Ashton's arms still wrapped around me. I looked over at him and smiled. He was smiling. Must be a really happy dream. I decided not to disturb him and I got out of his arms.

I got dressed in a dress. I wore a pink dress that had the back cut out and it had a bow in the back. It was super cute and I got it from Love Culture. This is my first time wearing it. I went downstairs and found Michael asleep on the couch. He was drooling on his arm. He had a note taped to his forehead. I walked over and read it.


I went home early this morning. I will be busy today but I will come over afterwards. I love you! xx


I smiled at the cute note and threw a blanket over Michael since it was a little cold. After I put a blanket over him, I walked into the kitchen. I got a glass of water and drank it. I then looked at the time and saw that it was only 10:00 am. I walked back into Ashton's room and saw that he was gone. I decided to just let him be and not try and find him. I walked back into the living room and opened the back door. I walked into the backyard and looked around. They had a pool filled with floaties and they had a nice yard.

I walked back inside and saw Ashton looking through the fridge. He turned when he heard the back door close. He smiled.

"Morning Ash."

"Morning Beautiful. Is it just me or is it whenever I see you, you are prettier and prettier?" I smiled and blushed at the comment.

"So today I am gonna go to the mall and meet up with Michael's girlfriend so... can you give me a ride?"

"It would be my pleasure. What time are you going to meet Colette?"

"Umm... at 2:30. Have you met her??"

"Yeah her and I met at the wedding reception."

"Oh. Well it's only 11:46 so what should we do?"

"I have an idea." I smiled and blushed. Stupid dirty mind! He brought me out of my thoughts by speaking up.

"It's nothing dirty. So get your mind out of the gutter."

"I wasn't thinking anything dirty." I tried to contain my smiley and happy face to be serious.

"Sure you weren't. I know you want my body." He winked at me and walked over. He wrapped his arms around my waist. He leaned in and kissed me. Our lips moved in sync and we stood there making out. We soon disconnected our lips once we heard Michael groaning on the couch. He read the note out loud and then sighed. He then sat up and liked at us.

"Have you his been stalking me?"


"Well that's cool."

He laid back down and then fell back asleep. For the rest of the time Ashton and I just watched tv. Finally 2:30 came and we left. We arrived soon. He stopped in the front of the food court entrance where Colette texted me to meet her and we said our goodbyes. I walked in and soon found Colette.

She got up and hugged me. We walked around the mall and went in all of the stores that we loved. We had fun trying on Prom dresses and we actually put some on hold since Prom was only 2 months away. She soon had to leave since she had a softball game. We said our goodbyes as we promised to spend more time together.

I told Ashton to pick me up at 4:30. I waited out side until I saw Luke's car pull up. He rolled down the window.

"Hey Tracey. Ashton is making me drive you to your date."


"Yeah. It's a surprise so get in."

"Okay." I got in and we drove off. Halfway or so I assumed, Luke told me to put on one of Ashton's bandanas as a blindfold. I smiled because the bandana I pulled out was the one he wore most. It smelled like him and I loved it. The car soon stopped.

Luke guided me out and into some place. I then heard the sound of a guitar lightly strumming. Luke soon took of my blindfold and I took in the scene of the date. It was Beautiful.

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