Chapter 64

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Tracey's P.O.V

I stand at the top of the stairs staring at him. I look around and then I notice her. She is giving me a snarky glare and I give one back. Harry looks up and locks gazed with me. I look away and grab Ashton. I drag Ashton until I feel someone grab my wrist. I look up and see his emerald green eyes staring at mine.

"Can I talk to you Tracey?"

"S-s-sure." I don't know why I am so nervous but I am. We walk down and outside. We walk around a corner where it is more private.

"What are you doing with Ashton?"

"What do you mean?"

"You said you loved me. That Ashton couldn't change that." I hear that he was hurt by his tone.

"What about you? You said the same thing! I couldn't just sit around an wait for you. Do you know how hard it is to hear about the love of your life dating someone? And I was dating Ashton anyway!" He looked at me with hurt in his eyes. He then took me by surprise and kissed me. I didn't kiss back.

"Please Kiss me."

"No. I can't. You have Paige anyway." I look away. I can't let him watch me cry.

"Paige and I aren't that serious."

"I have Ash."

"So what you're saying is that you don't feel the same anymore? You don't love me?"

"I love you Harry. I just love the old Harry. The non famous one. Te one who was the most popular guy in school. The guy who made my heart race when he would talk to me in class. The one who would crush my heart when I saw him making out with another girl. Not this Harry." I left him there speechless and walked back in the club. I could feel warm tears running down my cheeks. I walked to the bathroom and put some cold water on my face. I then calmed myself down. I walked back up and saw all of them staring at me. Especially Paige.

"What were you and Harry talking about?"


"You better not be trying to steal him."

"I'm not. He's all yours." Harry then walked back up and sat down He pulled Paige onto his lap and started making out with her. I sat down and leaned into Ashton.

"Babe. I'm sorry. I didn't know he would be here."

"It's okay."

"Do you want to go?"

"No we can stay if you want."

"No. We are going to leave now. We can go do something else."

"Okay. Whatever."

"Don't you whatever me!" He playfully whispered in my ear.

"What if I did whatever you?"

"I could think of a lot of things. And most of them aren't appropriate. I then gasped because Ash bit down on my earlobe. He then place a kid on my sweet spot under my ear. I bit my lip and grabbed him and we walked out. Paparazzi showed took pictures of us and we just ignored them. We finally got to the car and we drove to our spot. Our spot is where we hang out or where he can find me or I can find him if he or myself need to get away and just be alone. It was the perfect and pecaeful. It was in the woods by a stream. We soon arrived and I got out and ran. I could hear Ashton running behind me.

"I'm gonna get you!"

"No you won't." I stopped and hid behind a tree. He ran apst me and then stopped. I tried to run but he took a big step towards me so my back was against the tree. He smiled and then kissed. I smiled nto the kiss and we just enjoyed each other. I thought about Harry's words from earleier. I thought hard about it and I realized that I still loved harry but I was slowly falling harder for Ash. He has always been there for me, no matter what. I jumped and wrapped my legs around Ashton's torso. He then deepened the kiss. I got off of him and we just sat by the stream.

"Do you mind if I ask you something?"

"Not at all Ash. Go ahead.'

'I know it kind of not my business but what did you and Harry talk about?'

"We just talked about the past. He just asked if I loved him."

"Do you love him?"

"Well yeah. I mean he was my first love but I can't compare him to you." His face lit up with his beautiful smile.

"You have been there for me when I needed Harry yet you were there. You make my day and I just love you. I love you more than Harry. I have to admit it. I am falling hard for you Ashton Fletcher Irwin." He pulled me into his lap and he kissed me.

"I've been falling hard for you ever since I met you." We got up and soon left. We got home and found Layla asleep on the couch. I walked into Alexia's room and saw her fast asleep. Ashton picked up Layla and soon left to drop her off back home. I walked into Ashton and mine's bedroom and changed. I soon fell asleep under the warm covers and tried to forget today.

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