Chapter 37

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Ashton's P.O.V

I was in the bathroom changing into my suit that I had. I had it because I was gonna go to the wedding anyway even if Tracey and I weren't dating. Wait. Are we dating? I needed to ask her. I put on my blazer and started to tie my tie.

After sitting their for 30 minutes trying to tie my tie I gave up. I walked out of the bathroom and looked for Tracey. I saw her with her back turned to me. She was talking to Sabrina.

She turned around and she looked beautiful. She had her hair in a high ponytail with a blue how to match the dress. She then had lip gloss and blush on and some eyeshadow that really complemented her eyes. She smiled at me and I smiled at her.

"Wow. Trace. You look beautiful!"

"Awe thanks. You look handsome Ash."

"Can you help me tie my tie?"

"Yeah." She easily tied it in 2 minutes.

"Where did you learn to tie a tie?"

"My real dad. I used yo love tying his tie for any special occasion in the family."

"Oh. And Tracey?"


"Are we dating? Or what are we??"

"Well I though we were but then I realized you beer asked so..."

"Well then..... Tracey Madison Dixion will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes I will." She wrapped her arms around my neck and I put my hands on her waist. I connected our lips and I could feel her smiling through the kiss. Our lips moved in sync together and it was simply perfect.

Tracey's P.O.V

I was walking over to the chapel with Ashton and we were holding hands. I noticed that Lindsey and Harry were here too but I didn't care. I didn't need Harry. I had Ashton now. I smiled at the thought of me and Ashton. I then got a text from Niall.

From: Nialler.

Hey Trace. Have you seen Makayla? I went by her house and she wasn't there. If you talk to her let me know. Thanks.

I had no clue where Makayla was. I decided to call her.



"Hey Tracey."

"Hey boo. Umm... Niall texted me and he and he wanted to know where you were."

"Oh god. Umm... tell him I talk to him at the wedding."

"Wait. Where are you?"

I then heard Luke's voice over the phone asking who she was talking to.

"Oh no! Makayla!! Please don't tell me. Are you breaking up with Niall?"

"I can't help that I like Luke and that he likes me! I feel bad to break up with Niall but I couldn't just cheat on him!"

"Yeah. Okay we'll hurry over the wedding is gonna start in about an hour."

"Okay. See you later." I hung up and Ashton opened the door for me to the chapel. We walked inside and sat down on the bench. I then looked up towards the front and saw Lindsey and Harry making out. Harry disconnected their lips and looked over at me and Ashton. He had a look of hurt on his face.

Why the hell was he hurt? He broke us up!!! God I couldn't stand him and his stupid emotions. I looked at Ashton and he was scrolling on his phone. He then looked up and saw me staring at him.

"Like the view."

"Yes. You look really hot in your suit."

"Well thanks." He then pulled me into his lap and we took a selfie. He kissed my cheek an I had a smile on my face. He then posted it on Twitter and Instagram.


With my babe. Isn't she pretty? ;-D

I smiled at the post and I went and saw it. I liked it on Instagram and then retweeted it on Twitter. I then got a text from mom.

From: Mommy.

Hey come back over to the room. And bring your hunky boyfriend! ;-D

To: Mommy.

Okay. And that's just weird mom.

I tried to get up but he wouldn't let me. He kept squeezing my waist.

"Ash!!! Let go! We have to go back!"

"I'll let you go on condition."


"Kiss me."

"Okay." Our lips connected and I quickly disconnected them.

We got up and left. We soon arrived at the hotel and mom was pacing.

"Okay Tracey. The wedding is in 10. So go to the chapel with Ashton and sit him in the back with his friends. Then go find Harry. You and him will be walking down the aisle together."



Great! I get to walk down the aisle with Harry. I always thought I would say those words. But not in a bad way.

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