Chapter 4

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“Where the fuck is he?” Tom said as he waited in the van with the other lads and Nano. “Fuck.”

“It is too early for your bitching Tom.” Max said with his eyes closed, head back on the seat.

Jay was sitting all the way in the back next to Siva. He had pulled his beanie cap over his eyes and his arms were crossed. He felt like absolute shit.

Nano called Kevin again. “Where the hell is he Kev?”

Siva rubbed the top of Jay’s head. “Aww birdie has a hangover.”

Just then, the van door slid open and Nathan stepped in. He also had his beanie cap pretty much pulled over his eyes.

“About bloody time.”

“Sorry lads.” Nathan mumbled then plopped down in the seat next to Nano. He usually sat in the back with Jay, but that clearly was not happening this morning.

“You need to get your shit together Nathan. We have a bunch of…”

“Nano please. I know okay?”

Nano rolled his eyes then turned his head to look out the window.

Nathan felt his phone vibrate. He barely had the energy, but he pulled it out to check it.

         Text from Bird: Sorry mate. How’s your head?

A small smile appeared on the corner of Nathan’s mouth.

         Text from Nath: Hurts a bit. It’s fine bird.

Text from Bird: Wish you were sitting next to me like always.

Text from Nath: Me too mate

The day went as planned, which made Nano very pleased. Two radio interviews in the morning, lunch and then studio work in the afternoon.

At the studio, Nath was in the booth while Jay sat on the couch listening to his session.

Tom and Max were playing pool in the other room, while Siva was texting Nareesha next to Jay on the couch.

“He sounds awesome doesn’t he?”

Siva was not really paying attention. “He always does.” Was his reply.

“No but really good today you know?”

Siva turned to look at Jay. “What are you on about?”

Jay kept looking straight ahead with a dopey smile on his face.

“Earth to Jay.”

Jay snapped out of it and turned to Siva. “What?”

Siva looked at him strangely. “What’s gotten into you?”

“What do you mean?”

Siva shook his head. “Going on about Nathan’s voice.”

Jay became nervous. “So?”

“It’s just weird.”

Jay crossed his arms and turned away.

“Oh don’t be a baby about it.”

Jay ignored him.  “Whatever.” He said then stormed out.

Nathan stopped singing. “Can I take a break mate?” he asked the technician.

“Sure we’ll get Siva in here for a bit.”

Nathan hurried out of the booth and headed over to Siva. “What happened?”

Siva looked up from his phone. “What do you mean?”

“With Jay? Did you say something?” Nathan asked with concern.

“Seev come on. Your turn.” The technician said.

Siva stood up. “He got all weird so I just said something like why are you being weird.” He said then turned to head to the booth.

Nathan grabbed his arm. “Weird about what?”

“He was getting all emotional about you singing. It was weird, I’m sorry.” He said then headed into the booth.

Nathan ran his hand through his hair. “Brilliant.” He said then headed out of the room to try and find Jay.

He popped his head into the lounge and saw Jay playing pool with Max and Tom. “Hey lads.”

“Do they need one of us?” Max asked.

Jay positioned himself to shoot the ball. He did not acknowledge Nathan at all.

“No, Seev is in there now. I needed a break.”

Tom looked over with concern. “Is your voice okay?”

Nathan nodded. “Yeah, just felt a bit strained. I was going to get some tea.”

Tom nodded in relief. “Mate come and play.”

“Alright.” He said then grabbed a stick and stood next to Tom.

“It was us against Jay, so you can be his partner.”

Nathan nodded then walked over to stand beside Jay. Nathan leaned in towards Jay’s ear. “Nice shot before.”

Jay stiffened up. “It was okay.” He said then moved a step away.

Nathan looked upset.

Max  felt his phone buzz. “They need me in there.” He said then put the pool stick down and left the room.

“I’ve got to take a piss.” Tom said then headed out.

Jay moved to the other side of the pool table.

“What’s wrong?” Nathan asked.

Jay shook his head. “Nothing is wrong.”

Nathan walked over to him. “I mean what happened with Siva?”

Jay looked worried. “Why what did you say to him?”

“Me? I just asked him why you ran out of the room.”

“What did he say?”

Nathan leaned onto the pool table facing Jay. “Said you were acting weird about… singing.”

Jay looked embarrassed. “It was nothing okay. Please stop reading into it.”

Nathan motioned to put his arm on Jay’s, but Jay yanked it away. “Mate stop with that.” He said then looked at the door to make sure nobody was there.

Nathan looked hurt. “So that’s it. We don’t talk about it?”

“Talk about what?” Jay said coldly then threw the pool stick onto the table and left the room.

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