Chapter 74

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Jay awoke feeling a bit stiff. It took him a second to realize that he was on the living room floor. Although there was a rug, it was still hard as a rock and uncomfortable.

Nathan was in his arms. Jay smiled remembering how they ended up here in the first place. He hated to wake him, but they needed to get off of this floor.

"Baby?" he whispered softly.

Nathan did not respond.

Jay decided to get up. It was dark now and the only light was coming from the streetlight outside. He glanced at Nathan and he was completely passed out.

Jay knew Nathan could pretty much sleep through anything so he decided he would carry him upstairs.

Jay scooped him up into his arms and headed upstairs. Nathan snuggled up to Jay and rested his cheek on his shoulder.

Suddenly, Nathan felt a strange sensation that he was moving. His eyes fluttered open a bit. "Jay?"

"Yes?" he responded, as he was halfway up the stairs.

"Are you carrying me?"

"Yes, we are almost in our room." Jay said then kissed the top of his head.

Once, he entered the room, he brought Nath to the bed and gently placed him down. He pulled the covers from under him and then tucked him in.

Jay already felt loads better once he slipped into the bed. Never again, would he fall asleep on the floor like that.

"Thank you bird." Nathan said in a sleepy voice.

Jay spooned him from behind. "Of course love."

It seemed like Jay woke up 5 minutes later, but it was actually morning. Jay heard a buzzing sound in the distance. Someone was buzzing his flat.

"Make it stop Jay." Nathan groaned then covered his face with a pillow.

Jay stumbled out of bed and grabbed a pair of pajama pants and threw them on. He rubbed his eyes as he headed down the steps. "I'm coming, I'm coming." He groaned then headed over to the buzzer. He pressed it and rested his forehead on the wall. "What?!"

"Well, someone is on the bloody rag. Is that anyway to talk to  friend Jamsey?"

Jay smiled. There was only one person in the entire world that called him Jamsey. "Holy shit."

"Buzz me up for fuck's sake."

Jay did as he was told. He opened the door waiting with excitement. He smiled widely as his childhood friend came running up the stairs.

"Decks, you son of a bitch." Jay said and the two men embraced in a bear hug.

"It has been too fucking long mate." Declan said still hugging Jay.

"Come in mate." Jay said then closed the door behind him.

"Fuck me. Since when do you play piano?" Declan said checking out the huge piano in the living room.

"I don't. It was a gift."

Declan squinted his eyes at Jay. "So it is true then? You like the pole not the hole?"

Jay shook his head. "So bloody vulgar. Don't be a dick wipe."

"So this is for the lad you are banging huh?" Declan asked checking out the piano again.

Ever since they were kids, Declan had been outspoken and lacked a filter. He would say whatever the hell was on his mind whenever. It got him into a lot of trouble that Jay usually managed to get him out of. They sort of complemented each other in that sense.

"He lives with me now and his name is Nathan."

Declan played a few notes. "So when can I meet the strapping young lad?"

"I told you, he is sleeping. How about some tea?"

Declan nodded then followed Jay into the kitchen.

Upstairs, Nathan could no longer sleep with being woken up by the buzzing and now the laughing and loud banter coming from the kitchen.

Nathan threw on a pair of Jay's grey pj pants and pulled the string to tighten them.

As he headed towards the kitchen, he heard Jay and another man laughing and reminiscing.

"And the 6th grade talent show! Ha. I thought I was a bloody D.J.!" Declan cried.

Jay was laughing so hard. "You spun the record and it flew and hit her........"Jay couldn't finish.

"Right smack in the head." Declan finished laughing hard himself.

Nathan decided to make his presence known. He entered the room as the boys began to calm down from the laughter. Jay smiled at his love, who looked absolutely adorable to him. He was very excited for one of his best mates to meet the love of his life.

Declan turned and glanced at Nathan.

Jay walked over to him and kissed his cheek.

Declan watched them and waited.

"Nathan, I want you to meet one of my oldest friends in the world...Declan."

Nathan held out his hand to him. "Pleasure to meet you."

Declan shook Nathan's hand and smiled. "So, you have tamed the beast huh?"

Nathan shook his head. "Not really, though Jay is not a beast."

Declan nodded. "Oh right. I was talking about his cock."

Nathan's eyes widened. The only other person he knew that was so vulgar was Tom.

"Decks, can you behave yourself mate?"

Declan put his hands up. " I dunno mate, not my style."

"Yeah, no shit." Jay said and lightly hit him on the back of the head. "Behave in front of my boyfriend."

Declan's smile faded a bit hearing Jay call Nathan his boyfriend. He accepted Jay no matter what, but it would take some getting used to.

"Babe, I made tea."

Nathan smiled then headed over to the kettle.

"Hey, mate." Declan said waving Jay over. He whispered, "How old is he mate? Looks like a baby?"

"He just turned 21." Jay replied.

Declan's eyes widened. "Wow."

"Why wow?" Jay asked feeling a bit worried, especially after his most recent conversation with Max.

Declan shrugged. "I dunno mate. He is just young is all."

Just then Nathan joined them by the counter. "Hey, why don't you guys catch up more? I am going to take a shower."

"Ok love." Jay said then leaned in and kissed Nathan's cheek.

Declan watched him walk away. "So, you two are full on then?"

Jay shook his head. "I am not talking about that mate."

"You are fucking him then?"

Jay shoved him. "Do you have an off switch?

"Been broke years ago." Declan said with a laugh.

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