Chapter 15

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"Where the fuck is he?" Nano said, clearly anxious and irritated. He paced back and forth outside of the limo. He frantically sent Nathan another text for the 10th time.

Just then a car pulled up and Nathan got out. "I know I'm late. I'm sorry."

Nano's nostrils flared. "Get in the damn limo Sykes."

Nathan laughed then hustled into the car.

When he stepped inside, the lads all cheered.

"Heyyyyy there he is." Tom said loudly.

"Way to take your sweet ass time Nath." Max added.

"Yeah." Siva added, not taking his eyes off of his phone.

Jay was also on his phone either reading or texting.

Nathan shook his head then shoved Jay playfully. He was so glad that he was sitting next to his best friend.

Jay didn't take his eyes off the screen. "Glad you could make it, finally." He said and swiped his finger down the screen.

"Had to be fashionably late you know." He replied.

Jay was on the phone the entire way to the venue. Nathan tried to talk to the other lads and play on his phone a bit. He did not want to make a big deal about it in front of the lads.

As they pulled up, Nano made an announcement. "Ok fellas, we have sound check in 1 hour. Get settled backstage and do what you have to do to get warmed up."

"Change the station bro." Tom teased.

Nano rolled his eyes. "In all seriousness, you fellas need to be down there on time. We need to practice the changes we've made. Ok let's go."

Nath went to slide out, but Jay pulled him by the shirt. "Hang back a sec."

Nathan relaxed back and waited.

The lads climbed out one by one. As Max passed Nath he tickled him in the side. "Come on baby Nate."

Kevin held the door for them. "Come on then."

Jay leaned over Nate. "Give us one second mate."

Kevin nodded then closed the door.

Nathan turned to Jay. "So you are talking to me now. You know I...."

Jay interrupted him with a kiss. His hand reached up and ran his fingers through Nathan's hair. As he pulled away from the kiss he caressed Nate's cheek with his thumb. "I wanted to do that since you stepped into the car."

Nathan smiled warmly. "Well did you have to bloody ignore me the entire ride."

"I'm sorry. I am just trying to figure this all out."

Nathan nodded, smile fading. "Let me know when you do." He said then turned to leave.

Jay pulled him back down. "Don't go away mad Nath."

"I'm not mad at all. Just trying to keep up with your mood swings." He said then opened the car door and left.

Kevin looked back in. "Come on Jay."

Jay nodded then exited the limo.

After sound check, the lads had a meet and greet scheduled backstage. As they laughed, talked and took pictures with fans, Max had his eye on a couple of the older girls.

Max signaled to Kevin. " I want to hangout with them after the show. Put them in the front row okay?"

Kevin laughed and nodded. "Sure thing."

The girls began cheering and giggling as Kevin told them the great news. The tall brunette looked back over her shoulder and winked at Max.

Max blew her a kiss then turned to Jay who was playfully wrestling with Nathan. "Bird, come here."

Jay walked over to him still laughing back at Nathan.

"Mate I got us some girls for tonight."

Jay's smile faded.

Max squinted his eyes at him. "What's wrong?"

Jay needed to think fast. "Oh I wanted to know which ones is all. You pick them out and don't let me have a say." He said then playfully shoved him.

"Oh you are so sensitive bird." He said then shoved him back. "Don't you trust my judgment."

Jay smiled. "Yeah, haven't let me down so far."

"I promise not to steal any from you tonight." He teased.

"What's going on?" Nath asked as he walked up to both of them.

Max rubbed Nathan's ear with his thumb and finger. "Oh does baby Nath want in on the action?"

"What action?"

"I got us some birds for after the show." Max said then shoved Jay. "I am gonna get this bird laid if it kills me."

Jay forced a smile.

Nathan laughed to hide the twinge of jealousy running through his bones. "Oh yea? Good luck with that."

"Let's go boys!" Kevin yelled from down the hall.

Max ran over to Kevin.

Nathan turned to follow him and Jay was close behind. "You're not mad right?"

Nathan stopped walking and turned to Jay. "I told you I'm not. It's what you HAVE to do right?" he said then pressed his lips together.

"Don't look at me like that...Nate come on."

Nathan just shook his head and walked away.

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