Chapter 43

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Nathan felt the light peering in from the window through the small opening created because the curtains hadn't been pulled completely shut.

He groaned and reached for a pillow to cover his face. Turning onto his belly, he reached for Jay. He patted the area a bit and realized he was alone in bed.

He rubbed his eyes and looked around the room. "Bird?"

The bathroom door was open, so he couldn't be in there. "Bird?" he asked again. What if he got freaked out and left me?, he thought to himself. He would never leave him alone like that.

He crawled out of bed and walked over to his clothing that was wet from last night. Luckily, his briefs were pretty much dry. He pulled them on and headed over to the window to look out.

Suddenly he heard a key in the door. He glanced over his shoulder at the door. Either the maid was going to get a nice view of him in his undies or it was Jay.

A smile spread across his face at the sight of Jay holding a large brown bag.

"That is a view I will never get sick of." Jay said then winked at him.

Nathan blushed then headed over to him. "Where did you go bird?"

He closed the door then headed over to the small table in the corner. "Well, this isn't exactly the type of hotel with room service, so I went out to get some breakfast."

Nathan tried to open the bag. "What did you get me?"

Jay pulled the bag away. "Hold on one minute." He said then put the bag on the table. "I wanted to bring it to you. What the hell are you doing up anyway?"

Nathan shrugged. "I dunno. I didn't know where you were and..." he stopped feeling a bit embarrassed for freaking out.

Jay smirked. "You thought I left?"

Nathan looked up at Jay. "No, well....I dunno...I guess I just was..."

Jay pulled him close. "I would never leave you Nath...ever. I promise." He said then kissed him sweetly.

"Ever aye?"

Jay nodded. "With an ass like yours....I'm not going anywhere."

Nathan's mouth dropped open. "Jay?"

"You know I'm kidding, but that look was worth it." He said then laughed, which always melted Nate's heart.  "Okay, now go relax in bed. I am going to give you breakfast in bed...well sort of."

Nathan smiled and jumped back into bed on his belly.

Jay took a few seconds to stare at Nathan's ass before he began to put the breakfast together. He got paper plates and plastic utensils so Nathan could eat it in bed.

A few minutes later, Jay walked over to the bed and placed some coffee and juice on the end table for Nathan. "Time to eat Nath. Come on."

Nathan rolled over and sat up. Nathan saw all the things that Jay had purchased and his stomach growled. He didn't realize how hungry he was until the food was within smelling range. "Did I mention I love you?"

Jay laughed. "Yes, but it never gets old." He said then handed Nathan a plate full of eggs, bacon and hashbrowns. "Oh there is toast over here too."

Nathan grabbed a pillow for his lap and he placed the dish on there. "Are you going to eat with me babe?"

Jay nodded. "Yes, just go ahead and start."

"Oh wait." He said then puckered his lips towards Jay.

Jay leaned in and kissed him sweetly. "Love you babe."

Nathan began to eat at a rather rapid pace.

Jay came over to the bed with a muffin and coffee.

Nate's mouth was full of food. "Isthat allyourgonnaeat?"

Jay laughed. "I have no idea what you just said."

Nathan swallowed. "Is that all you are going to eat?"

Jay nodded. "Not very hungry."

Nathan reached his hand over and played with Jay's curls. "You nervous about the show tonight?"

Jay nodded and took a bite of his muffin. "Yeah, plus the stuff with my dad is on my mind as well."

"Has he text you at all?"

Jay nodded. "Yeah, he is sorry and wants to talk. He is still coming to the show tonight."

"Is he coming to both shows?"

Jay shrugged. "I think he is just going to the bar show tonight. Not sure about the stadium tomorrow."

"Scooter text me and said sound check is at 6. We go on at 9."

Jay checked his phone. It was 11:30am. Jay reached behind Nathan and placed his dish, with a half eaten muffin on it, down on the end table.

He positioned himself behind Nathan so he could lean back against his chest. "That gives us a lot of time." He said then kissed Nate's shoulder slowly and softly.

"I'm eating over here bird. Nothing you do is going to stop me from finishing this food."

Jay smiled then licked the edge of Nate's ear and blew softly into it.

A soft moan escaped Nathan's lips and he closed his eyes. "You don't play fair bird."

Jay laughed quietly near his ear giving Nate chills all over his body.

Jay began to massage Nate's shoulders while placing kisses all around the back of his neck.

"Ok I'm done eating." Nate said then almost threw his plate onto the end table. He quickly turned and straddled Jay with his arms resting on his shoulders.

"I knew you'd come round."

Nate kissed him hard. "Always."

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