Chapter 30

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On the cab ride to the studio, Nathan stared at the alert telling him that he had 3 unread messages from bird. He knew he had to deal with it, but it was such an emotional roller coaster.

He took a deep breath then opened the first message.

Text from Bird: Nath, I'm srry. Plse forgiveme

Nathan shook his head. "Definitely a drunkin' text." He said to himself.

He opened the next one. It was the same message resent.

"Fuck this." He said and deleted the third one. Why was he even doing this to himself.

About 5 minutes later, he arrived at the studio. He made his way to the rehearsal room. Tom was sitting on the floor fiddling with his guitar along with Siva. Jay was on his phone and Max was pacing the room singing. Nano was talking to Scooter in the corner of the room.

All eyes turned to him as he finally entered the room. "What's up fellas?"

"Where the fuck have you been?" Tom asked in anger.

"I'm sorry." Nathan said with guilt. "I just needed to be alone for a bit."

Jay turned away and went back to his phone.

Tom stood up. "You ask us to do this gig and then you are late to rehearsal. What the fuck is that about?"

Siva stood up and put his hand on Tom's chest. "Okay mate, that is enough." He said then turned to Nath. "We were just worried about you."

"Is everything alright?" Max asked genuinely concerned about his band mate.

Nathan nodded. "Listen, this is such a huge thing that we are doing tonight." He explained. "We have the opportunity to help a lot of people."

"Help them with what?" Jay shouted from his chair, with an obvious negative attitude in his voice.

Nathan was furious. "Help them figure things out. Maybe help them feel LESS ASHAMED of who they really are." He said looking like he wanted to start an argument.

"Oh dearie me." Siva said then pulled Nathan to the other side of the room. "You need to relax."

"He is the one fucking starting with me!"

Max walked over to Jay. "What is going on?"

"Nothing mate it's fine." Jay said still playing the game on his phone.

Max took it from him. "Come on Jay. We are friends aren't we?"

Jay nodded. "It's just Nathan and I have been arguing lately. We've have been unprofessional and letting it effect the group. I'm sorry."

"What could you two possibly be fighting about? You are like brothers." Max asked in complete confusion.

Jay stood up. "Listen I will make it right okay?" he said then walked over to Nathan and Siva clearly still talking about what just happened.

"What do you want?" Nathan asked in anger.

Jay held out his hand. "I want to apologize and get back to work. If we are going to do this gig tonight, we need to practice."

Nathan reluctantly shook his hand. "Alright then. I am sorry too."

Max smiled as the lads shook hands. "Ok all fixed. Now, let's get back to work then."

Siva shook his head. Max had no clue just how much it wasn't even close to being fixed."

Nathan headed over to Scooter. "Hey Scooter, I have a favor to ask."

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