Chapter 72

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It was around 9:00 when Nathan and Jay left the restaurant.

"Oh my god, that was the best meal I have ever eaten in my life."

Jay smiled as they headed back to the car hand in hand.

When they arrived at the car, Jay walked them over to the passenger side. He placed his hands on Nathan's hips and pushed him up against the car.

Nathan smiled as Jay leaned in and pressed his lips to Nathan's lips. As they kissed, Jay slid one of his hands up Nathan's back to the back of his neck and deepened the kiss.

Nathan moaned into the kiss.

Jay lingered there with his forehead pressed to Nathan's forehead. "I think it is time for dessert."

Nathan closed his eyes and smiled. "My favorite part."

"Let's go." Jay said then opened the door for Nathan.

When they got back to the flat, it was time for Jay to work his magic. As they headed up the building steps, Jay stopped and looked up at the sky.

"Hey, you want to do something sort of romantic?"

Nathan looked confused. "Aren't we already? I think we are maxed out, Bird."

Jay laughed. "True, but we could go look up at the stars on the roof."

That actually did sound like a cool idea, Nathan thought.

"Okay I think after that, then we will be maxed out on the romance."

Jay nodded. "Agreed. Come on love."

As they waited for the elevator, Jay sent a text to Siva telling them they were on their way up.

The elevator let them up to the top floor. There were a few steps leading to a door, which lead to the roof.

"You sure we are allowed up here?"

Jay waved it off. "People do it all the time. Come on then."

Once they opened the door, the crowd yelled a huge "SURPRISE!!!!!"

Nathan's eyes widened and his mouth dropped open in shock. People began coming up to him and wishing him happy birthday. So many of his friends and family were there as well. Two of the most important people, his mum and sister were also present.

"It was all Jay's idea." His mum cried opening her arms to him.

Nathan hugged his mum and smiled over at Jay.

The lads came over and gave him a wanted squeeze.  "Heyyyyyy!"

"Did you know little bro?" Tom asked.

"I honestly had no idea." Nathan explained.

Jay was on his phone up against the balcony. Nathan tried to make his way over to Jay, but the guests kept stopping him, wanting a piece of him. He was the birthday boy after all.

"Well hello there." A familiar voice said from behind Nathan.

Nathan looked surprised then spun around to see Rico standing there. "No fucking way." He said then hugged him tight.

Rico held onto him and kissed his cheek before letting him go.

"I can't believe you are here. Did Jay..."

Rico nodded. "Yes, he actually invited me."

Nathan smiled widely. "So are you here alone?"

Rico smiled. "No actually, my ex boyfriend. Remember the one with the child?

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