Chapter 10

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Nathan and Jay turned on a football game and began eating. No matter what, Nathan was glad that they could still be mates like this. They could watch a game, laugh and just chill together. How many more make out sessions was it going to take to ruin that, he thought. Maybe he should be the mature one....the reasonable one.....say something to him like.....'Let's not ruin our friendship' or another classic like.... 'Let's just be friends'

One of Jay's favorite commercials came on and he tapped Nathan on the arm to get his attention.

"Oh not this again mate."

"It's hilarious." Jay said then burst out laughing.

A warm smile spread across Nathan's face. I can be strong, he thought. Friends....stay like this....don't ruin anything....after this commercial I will say something....

Jay places his hand on Nathan's thigh as he laughed.

Aw shit, Nathan thought to himself.

Jay glanced over at him and smiled calming down from his laughter. He knew he should remove his hand, but he didn't really want to. Instead he rubbed Nathan's leg and raised an eyebrow at him.

He began to lean in to kiss him, but a familiar ring sounded on his phone. "Sorry, I have to get this."

Nathan leaned back and relaxed on the couch. Perhaps these interruptions were a sign, he thought to himself.

"Hello dad." Jay said sounding a bit nervous.

Nathan couldn't help but eaves drop on the conversation.

Jay paced around the room as he spoke with his father.

"Yeah I did." He said then paused. "Well no I can't, Nath's here dad."

Nathan could tell that Jay was getting lectured. It was written all over his face. His father could be a real twat sometimes. Jay's father did not like any of the members of the wanted. Even Max who was a ladies man. It still bothered his dad that Max was so touchy-feeling with all the boys. Nathan knew that he especially didn't like him. He hated how close Jay was to another guy. Whenever they had family parties or families intermingled at parties, Jay's dad was almost nasty to Nathan.

One time he made a comment about Nathan that questioned his sexuality and his mother went off on Jay's dad. Nathan was so proud of his mom, but he felt badly for Jay. He also didn't like that their parents were not fond of each other. It made their friendship that much harder.

Mr. McGuiness was one of those men who believed in drinking beer, playing sports and fucking around with women. If Jay did anyone of those three things, he was a proud papa. It was very disturbing to Nathan.

"No, dad. Please stop that." Jay said then glanced over at Nathan with a look of guilt.

"Tell him I am dancing to the village people and drinking a cosmo." Nathan teased.

Jay pressed his lips together and waved him off. "No dad, he was talking to me. Ok, I will. I have to go. Ok cheers."

Nathan didn't say a word. He just quietly sipped his beer and watched the telly.

"He can be such a prat."

Nathan turned to him. "What happened?"

Jay began searching something on his phone. "Apparently, last night some pictures were leaked of us at the pub."

Nathan smiled. "Oh yeah? Anything good?"

"Dad says he saw me with that girl all over me. Let's just say he was very ....'proud' of me" Jay said with air quotes around proud.

"We could send him another picture." Nathan said with an eyebrow raise.

Jay turned to him with a look of horror on his face.

Nathan sucked on the beer bottle like he was giving a blowjob. "Aw mate, I am just messing with you." He teased.

Jay shook his head with a look of anger on his face. "Not funny."

"Aw come on mate. I was just teasing you."

"Look you are lucky okay? Your mum wouldn't care if you pranced around in a bloody tutu. She'd accept you no matter what." He said then frowned. "My family isn't like that Nath."

Nathan knew it was time to stop joking. "I know I'm sorry mate."

Jay nodded.

Nathan opened his arm. "Come here mate."

Jay wanted to fight it, but he needed it right now. He rested his head on Nath's chest. Nathan played with his curls and hummed a tune to him. Jay could fall asleep like this, listening to him, his hands in his hair, his fingertips lightly massaging his scalp.

"Hey you want to watch a movie?" Nathan suggested.

Jay nodded. " about..."

"No!" Nathan said sternly.

"But..." jay interrupted.

"No!" he said again. "Not avatar. It is too damn long and you talk through the whole damn thing."

Jay signed. "Fine. What do you suggest?"

"Brokeback Mountain."

Jay's head shot up.

Nathan cracked up and put his hands up ."KIDDING!...I'm sorry it was just too easy. "

Jay fought a smile in the corner of his mouth. "Dickwipe."

Nathan chuckled and continued to play with his curls.

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