Chapter 35

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Nathan waited for Rico to pull up on the side of the hotel. He had sound check in an hour and a half. Rico offered to take him to the venue and stay for as long as Nathan needed him.

Just then Rico pulled up. Nathan quickly got into the car and reached over to hug Rico. He held on very tight, which made Rico extra worried about him.

"Okay you are freaking me out cutie. What's going on?"

Nathan pulled away and turned to him. "First of all, I wanted to apologize for blowing you off last night."

Rico smiled. "Shit happens I know that."

Nathan nodded. "Jay has really crossed the line this time."

Rico turned off the car and turned to face Nathan. "You can talk to me. What happened?"

"Well, without being disrespectful to you, let's just say that after everything Jay and I have been through, this morning, he asks me to....well, he ordered me to hide in the closet because his father was at the door."

Rico had a pained expression on his face. "The closet huh? How ironic."

"No shit and the worst part was, he left me there. He just left with his father."

Rico looked sympathetic towards Nathan. "I once had my ex hide under the bed."

Nathan looked shocked. "You really do understand all of this don't you?"

Rico nodded. "I also know that it doesn't end well for anyone involved. At least you are honest with yourself Nathan."

Nathan shrugged. "It doesn't give me what I want though now does it?"

Rico nodded. "No, but you have to ask yourself what you want. Do you want to hide in closets or be free?"

Nathan rested his head back and closed his eyes. "This is so hard."

Rico rubbed his thigh. "I know it is. It is hard when you love someone."

Nathan turned to him in shock. "How do you know I love him?"

Rico chuckled. "Aw Nathan come on? It is obvious."

Nathan nodded. "I suppose it is."

Rico ran his hands over Nathan's hair. "He loves you too. I know that."

"He said it you know. He told me he did."

Rico was not surprised. "I bet that felt nice."

"It just makes it all hurt so much more." He said sadly.

Rico tried to pick up his spirits. "Hey, how about we go out tonight after the show?"

"I probably wouldn't be the best company." Nathan said sadly.

Rico held his hand and squeezed lightly. "It will cheer you up."

Nathan nodded then allowed Rico to drive him to sound check.

"Why don't you text me when the show is over?"

Nathan frowned. "Can you stay?"

Rico hesitated. "I dunno if that is the best idea with you and Jay fighting and stuff."

"Please. It is not about Jay. It is about me wanting you there."

Rico finally gave in and nodded. "Okay. I will go park the car."

Nathan smiled in triumph and hugged him tightly.

Mr. McGuiness was watching this from the side door. He had gone outside to smoke a cigarette. He shook his head watching the hug.

Nathan turned and saw Jay's dad standing by the door putting out his cigarette. They had already made eye contact so he had to go over and say hello. He also had to go through that door so he had no choice but to interact with him.

"Hello Mr. McGuiness sir." Nathan said with a mix of sweetness and mockery.

"Hello Nathan. I would say long time no see, but you have been all over the papers recently."

Nathan gritted his teeth. "Well we are in a famous band." He said not giving him the satisfaction.

Jay's dad chuckled. His smile faded when he saw Rico heading over to them. "Do you think it is wise bringing your 'boyfriend' around your fans?" he said using air quotes for boyfriend.

Nathan bit his tongue as Rico walked over. "Hey Rico, this is Jay's dad Mr. McGuiness."

Rico smiled. "Hola." He said then held his hand out to him.

Jay's father made sure to grip his hand extra tight and give him a hard handshake.

Rico just smirked as they shook hands.

"Well, I better get back to my son." He said then headed back inside.

Rico laughed. "I am surprised he didn't pee in this area to mark his territory. Wow."

Nathan laughed. "He probably did that inside." He joked.

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