Chapter 27

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"So what are we going to do?" Nathan asked trying to be cheery and not think about his interaction with Jay.

"I got a car for us, so we can go anywhere." Rico said with a smile.

They left through a door in the back of the venue, in which only authorized vehicles could pass. Rico opened the door for Nathan and smiled.

Nathan was about to get in the car, but he leaned over and kissed Rico softly on the lips.

A smile spread across Rico's lips. "Pretty risqué Sykes."

He laughed and got into the limo.

Once they were inside, the driver asked them where they wanted to go.

Nathan's phone buzzed. It was a text from Jay. Rico reached over and took Nathan's hand in his. "You okay?"

Nathan nodded. "Yes, what do you feel like doing?"

"Well." He said rubbing his thumb over Nathan's hand. "We could go get a drink or coffee. We could get something to eat?"

Nathan was nodding along thinking of the possibilities.

"You don't want to do any of things do you?" Rico said with a laugh.

Nathan smiled. "Not really."

"How about I make you a drink?"

Nathan was intrigued. "You mean go back to your place?"

Rico blushed. "Yes, but it is not meant to be like....that."

"I know." Nathan said. "Let's go."

Rico told the driver where to go then he turned back to Nathan. "I have to warn you. My flat is pretty small."

"That doesn't matter to me."

"And messy. I didn't know I was going to be having company."

Nathan squeezed his hand. "I just want to hangout with you. Don't stress about it okay?"

Rico nodded. "Ok, it is just up there."

The driver pulled up to Rico's flat and stopped. Rico paid him and stepped out of the car holding the door for Nathan.

He shook his head watching him walk out.

"What is it?" Nathan said as Rico closed the door and waved the driver off.

"You are just sexy as hell. That's all."

Nathan nodded and blushed. "Are you trying to get me to go upstairs?" he said in a flirtatious manor.

"I am not that kind of man." He said raising an eyebrow.

Rico smirked. "I promise to be good."

Nathan rubbed his chin pretending to think about it. "Okay if you promise."

"Of course." He said then walked ahead of Nathan with his arm behind his back, fingers crossed.

"Bastard." Nathan said with a laugh.

Rico looked over his shoulder and laughed. "Come on man." He said waving him up.

Nathan jogged up the steps and stood at the door while Rico unlocked the door. Before he turned the knob he turned to Nathan and cupped his face with one hand and kissed him softly once on the lips with no tongue. He then pulled away and kissed him again the same way. The third time, he pulled Nathan's face harder onto his sliding his tongue over Nathan's tongue.

The kiss was getting very passionate, so Rico pulled away and rested his forehead on Nathan's trying to catch his breath. "We won't make it upstairs at this rate."

Nathan rubbed his nose against Rico's. "Very true."

Rico rubbed his thumb over Nathan's lips then opened the door. "Come on sexy."

Nathan felt his phone buzz again as they walked up the steps to his flat. He went to reach for it, but decided against it.

Jay sat and waited for Nathan to reply. It was becoming highly unlikely because according to his iphone, Nathan hadn't even read the message yet. He resent the message again.

Text to Nathan: Nath, I'm srry. Plse forgiveme. ~Message Resent~

Jay felt sick to his stomach. He began to panic. Who knows what Nathan was doing out with that Ricky Martin Menudo son of a bitch. He took another shot and sent another jumbled up drunkin' text to Nate.

Text to Nathan: Nate pelase. I fuckinloveyou mate. Fuck

Message delivered. Message not read.

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