Chapter 36

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Jay's father sat a few rows back and waited for the band to start sound check. As he checked his phone for work emails, he saw someone in the corner of his eye.

Rico sat in the same row, but made sure there were many seats between him and Jay's dad. He nodded at him, but Mr. McGuiness didn't acknowledge him at all.

Just then Tom came out onto the stage with his guitar strapped around his shoulder. Max and Nathan were laughing about something as they stepped out onto the stage.

There was a small group of about 20 fans gathered near the stage. They had special access to the sound check this evening.

When Siva came out, he knelt in front of them to say hello. Jay followed him and was standing on the side adjusting his earpiece.

Nano was standing on the side talking to the lead guitarist about the set.                                                                     

Jay kept glancing over at Nathan hoping to make some eye contact. Nathan seemed very occupied with Max at the moment. Jay then looked out beyond the fans to the first couple of rows of the venue. He saw his father, who was probably checking work emails and Rico.

Jay was so pissed. Of course Nathan would run right into the arms of Menudo after the stunt he pulled back at the hotel. It was pretty awful, he thought to himself. Why couldn't he just tell his father or at least tell someone.

"Mate, you okay?" Tom asked.

Jay was pulled away from his thoughts. "Yeah sorry mate."

"We are going to start. You sure?"

Jay nodded and headed towards the middle of the stage. He smiled at the small wave his father gave him.

Nathan put his arm on Jay's shoulder and leaned into his ear. "He actually took his eyes off the screen. Impressive."

Jay turned to Nathan and smiled. He didn't totally hate him, so it seemed. Jay instantly felt empty as soon as Nathan removed his hand and headed to the other side of the stage to greet the fans.

They began to warm up with 'Gold Forever'. Nathan sat on the edge of the stage and interacted with the fans as he sang.

Jay's father shook his head as he watched Nathan flirting and taking pics with the screaming fans by the stage.

Rico saw this and decided to get up and sit only one seat away from Jay's dad.

"Can I help you with something?" he asked coldly.

Rico smiled. "I just thought we are the only ones sitting so why not sit together."

"You don't have to keep me company. Feel free to swoon over him." He said pointing at Nathan on stage.

Rico chuckled. "Well he definitely is worth swooning over."

Jay's father looked uncomfortable and horrified. "Although, I am not quite sure what he is doing over there?"

Rico looked over at Nathan kissing girls on the hand and posing for pictures. His standard fan flirting was going on. "He is just doing his job."

"He is a pretty good actor then."

Rico turned to Jay's dad. "With all due respect sir, Nathan is not gay, he is bisexual. He likes both men and women."

Jay's father looked disgusted. "I don't really care. I just think it is a bad image for the band."

"You mean for your son." Rico said boldly.

Jay's father turned to him in anger.

He knew he had his attention now. "Well, really for you."

He leaned in and squinted his eyes at Rico. "Don't you dare speak to me like that. Don't talk about things you have no clue about young man."

Rico turned back to the stage and saw Nathan and Jay laughing about something. Nathan put his arm around Jay and said something in his ear making Jay laugh loudly. Rico couldn't help but glance over at Jay's father.

His father looked worried, but also angry. "Why does he have to hang all over him like that?"

Although, Rico was very jealous of their relationship, he knew exactly why they were hanging all over each other. They loved each other and were best friends. If he didn't care so much about Nathan he would have loved to say that right then and there to Jay's father.

Jay's father turned to Rico. "You better tell that little shit to stay away from my son."

"I will do no such thing." Rico said then got up and began to walk out of the venue.

Nathan saw him leaving and became very worried. Between songs he sent Rico a text.

Text from Nathan: Everything alright?

Nathan waited a few minutes then went back to check his phone.

                  Text from Rico: Sorry had to run. Ttyl.

Nathan frowned. He knew something had happened.

After sound check, Nathan was saying goodbye to some of the fans along with the other lads.

Jay's dad waited on the side as the boys did their job.

"Bye Bye love." Jay said waving then headed over to his father. "Hey dad, what did you think?"

His father nodded. "Good show. Are you ready for dinner?"

Jay was a bit disappointed in his father's lack of enthusiasm, although it was expected. "Yeah, I just have to get my stuff." He said then ran backstage.

Nathan was walking past Jay's dad while posting on twitter. To his surprise, Mr. McGuiness stopped him to make small talk. "Those are some fans you have there."

Nathan looked up and forced a smile. "Yes they are. We owe them everything."

"Bringing your boyfriend is probably not the best way to thank them."

Nathan put his phone into his pocket and faced Jay's dad. He was not happy. He had been putting up with a lot and he was tired of it all. "I do not think that is any of your business."

Jay's father shrugged. "Perhaps not, except you make it my business when you..." he stopped to glance around and make sure nobody was around them. The place was empty, but he still leaned in and talked in a loud whisper. "When you are hanging all over my boy. People are going to get the wrong idea."

Nathan felt anger burning within him. "He is my best friend. I don't give a shit what people think."

"I'm asking you to back off." Mr. McGuiness said firmly.

Nathan crossed his arms. "Back off? He is my bloody friend. I don't even know what that means."

Mr. McGuiness looked around again then stepped closer to Nathan. "Listen, I am asking you to consider what I am saying. Things may work on in your favor if you do."

Nathan's mouth dropped open a bit as Jay's father pulled out a wade of cash.

"I will do anything to protect my son."

Nathan was in complete shock. "Clearly. Are you actually bribing me to stay away from Jay. Jay, who is in the same band as best friend?"

Jay's father put the cash back in his pocket. "Don't be a fool. I am saying stop hanging on him. You should think about it Sykes."

Just then Jay came out. "I'm ready dad." He said with a smile on his face. His smile soon faded when he saw Nathan and his father in what looked like an intense conversation. "What is going on?"

Nathan glanced at Mr. McGuiness, then back at Jay. "Nothing, I was just leaving."

Jay grabbed Nate's arm. "Do you want to come to dinner with us?"

Nathan shook his head. "No, you should spend some time with your dad." He said then pulled away from his grasp.

Jay waited for him to leave then he turned back to his father. "What did you say to him dad?"

Jay's father blew this off. "Nothing son, he is sensitive. You know how his kind can be." He said then put his arm around Jay and began to walk out.

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