Chapter 42

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Nathan and Jay were lying on their sides looking into each other's eyes. Jay was tracing Nate's hip with his finger as Nathan played with Jay's curls.

"Are you having fun there?" Jay asked referring to Nathan continually twirling some of Jay's curls around his finger.

Nathan nodded. "Absolutely."

Jay smiled and glanced at his finger tracing Nate's hip.

"You look like you are having fun yourself."

Jay chuckled. "Oh, I am." he said then leaned over and placed soft kisses along Nate's hip.

Nate giggled and shifted a bit.

"So ticklish."

Nathan nodded. "You know that. Don't look so surprised."

Jay caressed Nate's cheek with his thumb. "It is quite adorable though."

Nathan blushed then buried his head in Jay's neck and snuggled up to him.

Jay held him and kissed the top of his head. "So I was thinking since Siva talked to me would count as someone knowing about us."

Nathan glanced up at Jay with a look that said, you are kidding right?

Jay laughed. "It was worth a shot wasn't it?"

Nathan shook his head and laughed. "Actually." He said then pressed his lips to Jay's and held them there for a bit. It was a long soft kiss. "I actually changed my mind."

Jay looked confused. "Changed? How?"

Nathan pushed Jay onto his back and snuggled up to him and rested his cheek on Jay's chest. "That doesn't matter to me anymore."


Nathan lifted his head up and looked at Jay. "I don't need you to tell anyone. It's not worth losing you over. I love you too much."

Jay was in total shock. He wasn't quite sure how to react to this. "Well...I love you too Nathan but...."

"But what?" he said then placed soft kisses down Jay's chest heading towards his belly button.

"Nate wait." He said stopping him. "Hiding isn't fair to you."

Nathan kissed Jay. "Forcing you isn't fair either."

A small smile appeared at the corner of Jay's mouth. "Do you always have an answer for everything?"

"Pretty much...yeah."

Jay tickled him and then pinned him down with his arms over his head. "Try and talk your way out of this."

Nathan smirked then bit Jay's bottom lip and sucked on it seductively and let out a sexy moan as he pulled away.

Jay tried to hide the effect Nate had on him, but it was impossible.

Nathan smirked. "That never gets old."

"What's that?" Jay asked then began kissing Nate's jawline.

"How you look when you want me."

Jay stopped kissing and moved back to look into Nathan's eyes. "There is a look huh?"

"Mmmhmm. It is pretty hot."

Jay blushed and tried to fight a smile. "Well I'd like to know what it is so I can torture you with it more often then."

Nathan shook his head. "I can't describe it really." He said then ran his hands slowly up and down the sides of Jay's chest. "There it is."

Jay leaned towards his lips and kissed him. After the kiss, he pulled away slowly and whispered. "I love you."

Nathan brushed the curls from his face and smiled at him. "I love you." He said then kissed him softly. "Now do you want to tell me what happened with your dad?"

Jay slid his head onto Nathan's chest and allowed Nathan to place his arm around him. Nathan played with his curls as he talked about the events at dinner.

"He lied to me about how long he knew his fiancé."

"What did he do that for?" Nathan asked.

"Well, I think he was cheating on my mum so logically, he wanted to hide that from me."

Nathan didn't say anything for fear of Jay shutting down.

Jay sat up and turned to Nathan. "You know what really pisses me off is that, he acts all righteous about how being gay is wrong and how its not God's way. If I recall, little catholic school boy here knows that adultery is wrong as well." He said with a huff then put his head back down on Nate's chest.

"Do you think it is wrong to love me?"

Jay lifted his head again. "No way. Nothing that feels this good, could be wrong. I can't imagine not seeing you, laughing with you. "he said then leaned into his lips and kissed him softly. "Kissing you." He whispered and then caresses his thigh. "Fucking you."

Nathan blushed. "Well, you don't have to imagine it. I'm right here."

Jay smiled and kissed him.

"Although, we will have to imagine around other people but..."

Jay huffed and fell onto his back. "I knew you were not okay with it!"

Nathan sat up. "I am. It was just a bad joke. I'm sorry."

Jay turned to him and pressed his lips together. "I'm going to make things right. You'll see."

Nathan leaned over him. "Let's not worry about that right now. Okay?

Jay waited and then finally gave in. "Okay."

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