Chapter 86

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"I am a calm person." Nathan said then sipped his beer.

"Ha, that's a laugh." Tom said.

Max kept looking at the exit where Jay had run. "Seriously, mate, he just ran off."

Nathan nodded. "I know. He just needs time."

Ariana walked over to the lads. "That was an amazing performance Nathan."

Nathan smiled at her. "Thank you."

Tom and Max took the hint and left them.

Ariana pouted. "I am sorry he just ran off like that."

Nathan nodded. "He just needs some time. Jay is...well....a bit complicated."

Ariana smiled. "You love him so much. I mean wow."

"I don't mean to hurt you."

She waved him off. "Oh don't worry about me. I can still think you are fucking adorable and keep my hands to myself."

He leaned in and kissed her cheek softly. "Well, I think you are fucking adorable as well." He said with a wink.

She blushed. "Thank you."

"Care to dance?" he asked holding his hand out to her.

She slowly slid her hand into his and smiled.

It was around 1 am when the party began to die down a bit. Nathan called for his own driver because there was somewhere he needed to be.

The car service pulled up and stopped at Nathan's destination. He tipped the driver then stepped out of the car. He made his way up the steps to the front door.

After punching in the code, he headed to the elevator.

Once he reached the floor, he headed for the door. He quietly turned the key and opened the door to his and Jay's flat.

He turned on one of the floor lamps so he could see where he was going. He was assuming Jay was lying in bed so he headed that way.

When he reached the door, he peaked in and saw Jay sleeping on his side. His knees were pulled up to his chest and he was hugging a pillow.

Nathan took his jacket off then unbuttoned two of the top buttons of his white button down shirt he had on. He kicked his shoes off then crawled into bed behind Jay.

He reeked of alcohol. Nathan frowned knowing that Jay must have hit it pretty hard after his little performance. He gently spooned Jay from behind.

Nathan lowered his lips onto Jay's head and kissed him softly. His curls were so soft. Nathan wished he could just fall asleep on them like a pillow.

"Baby?" Nathan whispered.

Jay groaned softly.

"" he said again then kissed Jay's shoulder.

Jay's eyes began to flutter open. "Nath...Nathan?"

Nathan smiled and squeezed him. "Yes, baby I am here."

Jay slowly turned onto his back and looked up at Nathan not really believing he was there. "Nathan?"

Nathan smiled and nodded.

Jay took his hand and felt Nathan's face like a blind person would check features of someone standing before them.

Nathan chuckled. "Babe, it's me."

Jay looked worried. "Is it really you?" he asked.

Nathan pressed his lips to Jay's forehead. "Yes, love. I am here."

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