Chapter 13

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In the middle of the night, Jay woke up to find that Nathan was not as close as he would have liked. He shifted over to him and spooned him tightly. He smiled when he heard Nath sigh and felt him relax into him.

A few hours later Jay was tossing and turning clearly having some sort of nightmare.

"Jay?" Nathan asked trying to wake him.

He was crying out and moaning, but Nathan could not make out anything he was saying. He tried shaking him. "Jay....bird....wake up."

Jay gasped and his eyes opened while he was on his back.

Nathan leaned onto his elbow and played with Jay's hair. "Bad dream?"

Jay nodded.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Nathan asked then leaned down and kissed Jay on the nose.

Jay shook his head. "I'm fine." He lied. He had a dream that his father had caught him and Nathan together then spread it all over the news. They lost thousands of fans and the lads blamed him. Nathan then left him for Justin Bieber. He finally woke up after that. There was no way in hell he was sharing that dream with anyone.

"Go back to sleep babe." Jay said then kissed his lips softly.

Nathan smiled then rested his head on Jay's chest. Jay traced Nathan's back with his fingertips until they both fell back asleep.

In the morning, Jay had woken up at around 10. Nathan was out like a light, as per usual. He was definitely not a morning person. He decided to go and make them some breakfast. Well, he would attempt at making them breakfast.

Something easy, he thought to himself. Toast maybe? Eggs? Should he attempt eggs? What could it hurt? He told himself then put water on for tea.

Back in the bedroom, Nathan smiled at the smell of something cooking. He stretched his arms and moved from his stomach to his back. He grabbed his phone and sent a text to Jay.

Jay was buttering the toast when he heard his phone buzz.

Text from Nath: Come back to bed bird.

Jay smiled then text him back.

Text from bird: I made you breakfast, babe.

Nathan smiled at the message then sat up. He winced in pain. He was a bit sore from last night's events.

After he put his briefs back on, he grabbed a pair of pajama bottoms from Jay's closet. He had slept over here so many times, he knew it would be okay if he borrowed them. He had done it before, not under these exact circumstances, but still.

As he headed out of the room, the pj pants were falling off his hips a bit. He tightened the string more to keep them up.

Jay looked up and smiled as Nathan walked into the room rubbing his tired eyes and yawning. He looked adorable in his pj pants. "Morning sleepy head."

Nathan smiled then walked behind Jay and wrapped his arms around his waist from behind. He rested his cheek on Jay's back. "I could fall back asleep just like this."

Jay laughed. "I made you some tea. Come and sit down."

Nathan let go and scooted over to the stool and sat down. Jay noticed he winced in pain as he sat down.

Jay handed him a cup of tea. "Are you feeling know....after last night?"

Nathan took a sip of tea and shrugged. "If I'm gonna be honest mate, I am a bit sore."

Jay felt badly. "I'm sorry."

"Not your fault." He said then laughed. "Ok it sort of is, but I mean it's ok. It was worth it." He said with a smile then took another sip of tea.

Jay smiled then headed over to sit next to Nathan. "Well, I made toast and I attempted eggs. I don't eat them so I can't really tell if they are good so just beware."

Nathan chuckled then slid his hand over Jay's on the counter and squeezed lightly. "I appreciate it no matter what mate."

Jay watched him eat with a slight worried look on his face.

In mid chew, Nathan turned to him. "You are not going to kill me mate." he said then continued to chew. "It's good. Don't worry so much."

Jay nodded. "It's not that."

Nathan swallowed then spun his chair around to face Jay. "What is it then?"

"Well what do we do now?"

Nathan smiled. "We could take a shower." He said wiggling his eyebrows.

Jay rolled his eyes. "No, I mean what do we DO now..about us."

Nathan rubbed Jay's thigh. "You worry too much mate. Why do we have to DO anything?"

Jay shrugged. "Well, are you ....I mean.....will you say something?"

Nathan nodded. "Oh yeah mate. I posted it on twitter as soon as I woke up."

Jay looked horrified.

"Relax bird."

Jay exhaled. "You are not taking this seriously Nate."

"And you are taking it too seriously."

Jay crossed his arms. "Oh so it is not serious to you?"

Nathan placed his other hand on Jay's thigh. He felt like he was talking to a child. This is why, even though he was the youngest in the band, he felt the most mature at times. "Listen to me bird. Let's just figure things out between us first before we get all nervous about other people."

Jay uncrossed his arms and nodded. "Ok, but what about when we are around other people?"

Nathan looked a bit hurt. "I dunno. Why don't we just act natural like always?"

Jay began to shake his leg. He did that when he was nervous. "You mean like how we always are.....mates right?"

"Is that what you want?" Nathan asked feeling a bit hurt.

Jay nodded. "Yes. I'm not ready."

Nathan nodded then turned back to his breakfast.

"Don't be mad okay?"

"I'm not." Nathan lied.

Jay stood up and hugged Nathan as he sat there. "I'm not ready right doesn't mean I won't ever be."

Nathan pushed him off. "We are just mates remember?"

"Oh don't be like that mate, come on." Jay said sadly.

Nathan stood up. "I should head home. I told my mum I would help her with some stuff today."

Jay grabbed Nathan's face. "Please don't leave like this."

Nathan sighed. "I just don't want to be some dirty secret to you Jay. I'm not saying I am going to go tell the world, but your obvious fear about anyone knowing is quite alarming."

Jay leaned in and kissed him. "I just need some time okay?" he said then continued to kiss him.

Nathan was pretty weak when it came to his best friend so he kissed him back.

Jay moved his lips to Nathan's ear and blew in it, sending chills throughout his entire body. "How about that shower?"

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