Chapter 51

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Text from bro: Hey bro, I am en route. Chad's Pub?

Text from Jay: Yeah bro, be there in 10.

Jay needed two things right now. One was a drink and the other was a nice chat with his twin brother Tom. They were going to meet at Chad's Place, a pub in London.

When Jay arrived, Tom was already there. He was sitting in a back booth, which was a usual spot for them. "Hey bro!" tom said opening his arms to Jay.

Jay gave him a bear hug. "Missed you mate."

"Me too." Jay's brother said. He then waved down a waitress so Jay could order a drink.

Jay checked his phone then placed it on the table. "So how have you been?"

Tom nodded. "Not too bad. I am up for a promotion at work."

Jay forced a smile then checked his phone again.

Tom looked concerned. "Is everything alright mate?"

Jay nodded. "Sort of."

"Is this about dad?"

Jay shook his head. He had put that on the back burner. He didn't even want to deal with that and miss Nathan at the same time. At least with Nathan by his side it didn't seem so horrible to face. "No not really."

"Well I spoke with dad. "

"Yeah?" Jay said not seeming too interested. He checked his phone again.

"And you are thinking about something else. What's up?" Tom asked, very concerned about his brother.

Jay sighed. "It's Nathan. He had to go to America for a while. Bloody sucks mate."

Tom felt for his brother. "I'm sorry bro." he said genuinely.

Jay nodded. "It sucks. We just got together then he has to go like that, so sudden. It is heartbreaking you know?"

Tom nodded in understanding. "How was he feeling about leaving?"

"He wasn't happy either mate. He asked me to go with him, but I can't. I have to do wanted stuff here." He explained.

Tom hated seeing his brother so upset. "Well, I will do the best I can to keep you company during this okay?"

Jay smiled at his brother. "Thanks mate."

Just then Jay's phone buzzed. He reached for it anticipating hearing from Nathan. It was Tom, his bandmate.

Text from Tom: Looks like you are winning the bet.

Jay shook his head. He had forgotten about the bet they made a year or two ago about Nathan. They bet how long it would take before Nathan had a solo career. Jay said within a year and Tom said two.

Text from Jay: Wish I lost this one mate.

Text from Tom: Awww birdie. Love you mate. Cheer up. ;)

"I am guessing it wasn't Nathan."

Jay nodded. "Yeah. Sorry I am such a buzz kill mate." He said then the waitress brought him a tall glass of Guiness. "Cheers mate." He said then tapped glasses with his brother.

After he took a huge sip, he asked, "So you spoke with dad?"

Tom nodded. "Yes, he is torn up."

"Serves him right."

"You know how dad is, he thinks he did something wrong or it is his fault."

"No he doesn't. He blames mom. I know it!"

Tom sighed. "Well, anyhow, he is fighting with Jolie about it."

Jay looked confused. "Why would they fight about me?"

"Well, apparently, she doesn't understand how he is not accepting of your lifestyle. She can't see marrying someone who is so pig headed."

Jay was shocked by the unexpected support from his possible future stepmother. "Wow, she is a bit feisty that one."

Tom chuckled. "Yeah maybe she will whip him into shape."

Jay chuckled himself. "Yeah good luck with that." He said then took another gulp of his beer. "Well, things can't change unless he accepts me and my boyfriend."

Oh his boyfriend, he thought. Just saying it or even thinking it made his heart ache. This was only a few hours. How was he going to make it for weeks? The thought made him shutter.

Jay's phone alerted him to a new tweet.

Nathan Sykes @Nathanthe Wanted

Missing the 'Jay' to my 'than' #Jaythan4eva

Missing the 'Jay' to my 'than' #Jaythan4eva

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Jay blushed. He was shocked when he saw that this tweet already had over 1,000 retweets and favorites. When he looked up, Tom was smiling at his phone.

"Awwww." Tom said, obviously having just read Nathan's tweet.

Jay blushed some more. "He is cute isn't he?"

Tom laughed. "Well anyone that loves my brother that much is alright by me."

Jay smiled. "Thanks bro." he said then looked back to see that he had no new messages. He can bloody tweet, but he can't send me a message.

Literally, after this thought Jay received a text from Nathan.

Text from Nathan: I know you are thinking 'Oh he can tweet, but can't send me a text. Here it is love. Muuuuah. I just landed-missing you like crrrrrazy. Xoxxo- Nath

Jay shook his head smiling. The little bastard knew him like a book.

Text from Jay: I was just thinking that ha. My heart hurts...missing you too. ~Bird

Nathan smiled at Jay's text as he waited for the limo to pick them up at the airport. He had a meeting with Scooter in an hour. The opportunity to sing on a movie soundtrack was being presented to him. He was excited and nervous at the same time.

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