Chapter 81

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Text from Ariana: I'm so sorry sweetie. (signed with two pink hearts) Call if you need. Kiss kiss

Nathan was grateful for the people reaching out to him, but he just wasn't ready to deal with it all yet. He needed to hide out a few more days and get his head sorted out.

Nathan's head shot up at two light knocks at his bedroom door. A small smiled appeared on his lips.

"Can I come in?"

Nathan chuckled. "Since when do you ask to come in?"

Jess laughed. "You are right." She said then sat on the edge of his bed.

"This is exactly what I needed. Mum making me tea and my sister chatting with me in my room like old times."

Jessica nodded. "Yes, totally understandable, but..."

He squinted his eyes. "What is it? I know that look."

She smirked. "Yes you do."

Nathan crossed his arms and leaned back against the headboard. "Ok out with it then Jessie."

She took a deep breath. "Hiding is never the answer."

He shrugged. "I'm not hiding ....really....I just needed a couple of days to..."

"You are hiding Nathan." She interrupted firmly.

He sat up to defend himself. "Jessica, I am NOT hiding I am just...I needed some time."

"Okay, you are going to be stubborn. We'll talk later." She said and motioned to get up, but he held her by the arm.

"No, wait."

She raised an eyebrow at him.

"Alright. I am hiding." He confessed.

She nodded. "My point is, you can't hide forever, yah?"

He nodded. "I know that."

"So, I will ask you this question. Why do you think Jay did this?"

Nathan rolled his eyes. "Oh god, do we have enough time? He is obviously a coward, a right bloody basard who lets other people influence him!"

"Exactly." She said calmly.

Nathan was intrigued. "Go on."

"Well, he didn't do it to hurt you or because he doesn't love you, obviously. We've all seen you together."

Tears formed in Nathan's eyes. "Jess, I can't keep 'understanding' why he is hurting me. It still fucking hurts."

She nodded. "I know that. The best thing you can do.... " she paused and made sure she had his attention. "Are you listening?"

He nodded.

"The best thing you can do is....forgive."

He looked confused. "What?"

"Forgive him Nathan. You need to carry on and be yourself. Don't be mad at him because he has issues. I love jay to death, but think about it. His mother died, his father is a homophobe, he has always been insecure. Again, I love him sooo much, but why do you think he is so goofy and clowns around?"

"So, just forgive him and not feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest?"

Jess sighed. "I am not saying don't be hurt. I am just saying, don't focus on anger at him. Feel more pity is all I am saying."

Nathan thought for a few seconds. "How did you get to be so smart?"

"It was my influence obviously."

They both turned to the door and saw their mum standing there.

She headed over and sat beside Nathan on the bed so they were both facing Jessica. "You are 100 percent right darling."

"Thank you, Mum."

Nathan shook his head. "Ganged up on by women."

Karen kissed Nathan on the head. "We just love you so much sweetie."

"What you two are saying makes perfect sense, but my heart. My head is hearing you, but my heart, it hurts right now." He said as tears trickled down his cheeks.

His mum hugged him and Jess rubbed her fingers over his hand.

"Would you want to leave the wanted over it?" his mother asked.

Nathan sat up. "No, never. I am a professional. Nobody or No one is going to take away the greatest thing that has ever happened to me."

His mum nodded, knowing that he would never back down. "Good, looks like my baby is still in there."

Nathan smiled then leaned back onto his mum's shoulder.

Jess's phone buzzed. "Ariana asks how you are doing."

Nathan sighed. "I ignored her message before. I didn't' want to deal with it."

Jess stood up. "Best thing to do is keep going." She said then headed out.

"Unbelievable." Nathan said shaking his head.

His mum laughed. "She is a smart young lady isn't she?"

"Too smart, I am telling you."

His mum kissed him on the head again then headed out.

Nathan picked up his phone and texted Ariana back.

Text from Nathan: Sorry, been hiding out. I am feeling better.

Text from Ariana: I am at a studio nearby. Can I stop by?

Nathan thought for a few minutes then text her back.

Text from Nathan: Sure.

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