Chapter 55

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Jay leaned on his elbow and rested his cheek on his hand looking down at Nathan. "Ok so tell me how has it been going?"

Nathan smiled. "Well, besides missing you, it has been brilliant."

Jay smiled. Even before they were a couple, he always enjoyed listening to Nathan talk about performing. "Has Scooter said anything?"

Nathan smiled. "Well, he has been with me every step of the way. I think he has some other things lined up, but he is still working it out."

Jay nodded still listening.

"Are the lads mad?"

Jay placed his hand on Nathan's chest and played with the two buttons on his polo shirt. As he spoke he undid the top bottom. "No we just joke about you going solo is all." He said with a smile.

"Oh brilliant."

Jay undid the other button then traced the top of Nathan's chest and neck with his fingertips. "It's not like that. We are all very proud of you. We know you care about The Wanted as well."

Nathan sat up a bit. "I do!"

Jay let out a soft laugh. "Calm down. We know." He said then kissed him softly.

Jay could feel him relax under his lips. Nathan put his head back down on the pillow. Jay slid his hand completely under Nathan's shirt and began rubbing his palm over Nathan's shoulder and massaging it.

Nathan turned his head to face him. "Having fun?"

Jay nodded. "Always."

Nathan sat up and reached behind his head and pulled his shirt over his head. "I thought I'd help you out."

Jay bit his bottom lip watching him. "You are so fucking gorgeous. You know that?" he complimented him.

Nathan cheeks flushed a bit then he put his head back down. Jay began to trace Nathan's bare chest with his fingertips.

"Any chance you know when you are coming back to our side of the pond?"

Nathan shook his head sadly. "I do know that tomorrow is the last show I perform with Ariana. I am not really sure about anything after that."

"I would like to come to the show. Can I?"

Nathan smiled and nodded. "Of course bird."

"I am not being too clingy right? If you don't want me there I can just hangout on my own."

Nathan laughed and played with Jay's curls. "Jay, it took me forever to get you to even hold my hand in public. You are far from clingy."

Jay smirked. "Thanks for the reminder."

"No problem mate."

Jay tickled him. "You can be such a little shit, you know that?"

Nathan tried to catch his breath from laughing. "Just before, you said I was gorgeous. Now I am a little shit?"

Jay crawled on top of him and held Nathan's hands over his head. "A gorgeous little shit." He teased.

Nathan smiled widely. "I'm okay with that."

Jay leaned down and kissed him slowly. As they kissed, Jay pressed his hands down onto Nathan's hands. Nathan squeezed Jay's hands as Jay kissed him harder and deeper.

Nathan could tell that joking time was over. Jay wanted him and he wanted Jay.

Jay pulled away from the kiss slowly sucking on Nathan's bottom lip as he did so.

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