Chapter 24

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"This is a pretty nice café for a college." Nathan said impressed by the coffee house atmosphere of the place. "You'd think it would be cafeteria-like, you know?"

Rico nodded. "I freakin' love it here. I am in this café whenever I get the chance."

"Oh before I forget." Nathan said then reached in his pocket and pulled out two tickets and two VIP passes. He handed them to Rico.

He looked confused." Why two?"

Nath shrugged. "I dunno just incase you wanted to bring someone."

He smirked at Nathan. "I'm coming to see you cutie." He said then handed the extra ticket and pass back to him. "I don't want to take anyone."

Nathan took them back. "You sure?"

Rico reached over the table and held Nathan's hand rubbing his thumb over it. "Positive."

Nathan looked around the room to see if anyone was looking.

"It's okay Nathan. I'm not embarrassed."

"Neither am I...I just I guess I'm so used to looking over my shoulder." He admitted.

Rico smiled knowing all too well what that felt like. "Any chance I can check out sound check?"

Nathan smiled. "Some might say you are becoming a groupie."

He smiled and squeezed Nathan's hand. "So be it then."

Nathan laughed. "So um you said you were going to tell me about the song."

Rico nodded. "I did, didn't I? Well, remember I told you that I was in one of those confusing relationships?"

Nathan nodded. "You said you were like Jay, confused apparently."

Rico nodded. "Yeah, so I just remember how horrible that time was for me. I was in love with him, but I just wasn't ready to say that I liked guys."

Nathan was listening to him with wide eyes, sort of like a person watching a really interesting movie anticipating what was going to happen next.

"So he tried to be patient with me, but it was just too much. By the time I admitted my feelings for him it was too late." He said sadly.

Nathan could tell that Rico still cared about this man. "Why was it too late?"

"He is married now to a very nice man. They adopted a daughter together."

"Wow." Nathan said in shock.

"So when I told you to do your own thing. I meant it. It is up to Jay whether he is willing to chance you getting married and having a kid so to speak."

Nathan nodded. "Well after last night, that won't be too difficult."

Rico smiled. "I knew something happened. Talk to me."

"Well, let's just say I got a live view of what he did with those girls last night."

"NO fuckin' way dude." Rico said in shock. "I saw them leave you know? They left the same time I did."

"Well the part that really bothered me was that he got so upset about the chance that you and I hooked up and look what he did."

Rico nodded. "Trust me. I've been there. He wants to have you, but doesn't want anyone to know. He is only hurting himself."

Nathan frowned. "I know, it's just a lot to take. I also miss my best friend."

"Well, you can't have it both ways. Sucks, but its true."

"You know you are pretty smart guy."

Rico smirked. "That's why they pay me the big bucks."

Nathan smirked at him. "I don't think that is the only reason." He said checking him out.

Rico chuckled. "Cute." he said then pointed at him. "See, there is that naughty side again, Nate."

"I don't know what you are talking about." He said innocently.

Just then Nathan's phone buzzed.

Text from Kevin: Sound check at 2 mate.

"Everything okay?"

Nathan nodded. "Yeah apparently sound check has been moved up an hour."

"Where did we land on that anyway?"

Nathan smiled. "Actually I'd really like it if you were there. We have about 20 wanted world fans that will be there as well. As long as you don't mind a bunch of cheering fans."

"I may have to join them." He said with a wink.

Back at the hotel, Nathan was getting changed for sound check. He was glad some fans were going to be there. It was a bit more exciting to perform for someone. He also couldn't stop smiling thinking of Rico being there. He felt a bit guilty having him there and shoving him in Jay's face, but then he thought about the video. Yeah, he didn't feel too bad anymore. "Jerk." He said to himself.

Watch sound check video here: 

NOTE:(I used this clip because it is actually very adorable and I noticed that Nathan and Jay walk past each other a couple of times and don't look at one another. It fit perfectly with the story. Enjoy!)

Nathan waved at Rico subtly during the sound check. He could feel Jay's eyes on him when he wasn't looking. His suspicions were verified when he glanced over and saw Rico shaking his head.

After sound check, Jay sent a text to Nathan.

Text from Jay: What's menudo doing here?

Text from Nath: Piss off Jay. Why don't you try for 3 girls tonight?

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