Chapter 49

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"Really?" Nathan said. "That is adorable."

Scooter laughed. "This little stunt you pulled is fucking genius."

Jay's smile faded. "It is not a stunt."

Scooter closed his laptop and smiled at Jay. "I didn't mean it like that Jay. I am just saying that it has definitely helped more than hurt."

Jay sighed in relief.

"You thought the gay community loved the wanted before, shit you have no idea now." Scooter explained. "Ok, so on to other news. Nate, I have some studio time set for you during the break. I have a few artists who would like to discuss some collaborations with you."

Nathan smiled. "Wow, thanks Scooter."

Jay smiled for Nathan, but was a bit worried about how much time they would get to spend with one another if he was in the studio for the entire break.

After the meeting, the boys went back to pack up their things. They were returning to London to do a final show on this tour. There would have one month off before their American Tour.

A few hours later, Nathan was drinking some tea about an hour before they had to go on. After Jay, was dressed and ready, he sat next to Nathan on the leather couch.

"Hey, how is the golden voice?"

Nathan smiled. "Feeling good."

"Good." Jay said then began tapping his fingers on his thigh.

Nathan put his cup down then turned to him. "What's on your mind bird?"

"What do you mean?"

Nathan grabbed his hand that was tapping. "I know you. You either want to tell me something or ask me something."

Jay smiled in defeat. "Well, you do know me. I will give you that."

"So, go on then."

"Well, I think we should say something to the lads about tonight. Something like nothing is going to change when we are out on stage and stuff."

Nathan nodded. "Good idea. I am with you on that."

Jay smiled. "Good."

"And....? What else babe come on."

Jay searched for the right words without sounding like a jealous clingy lover. "Well...when we go on break....I just thought we could talk about seeing each other."

Nathan was about to answer when the lads piled into the room.

"Ooooo are we interrupting something?" Tom teased.

Jay threw a couch pillow at him.

"Leave them alone Tom." Siva said in their defense.

Jay stood up. "Actually we wanted to talk to you before the show."

"Oh my god. Nathan's pregnant." Tom said.

Max shoved him. "Quit fooling around." He said then turned to them. "What's up?"

"We just wanted to say that nothing is going to change when we are out there." Jay said.

Nathan nodded. "Yeah, we are still professionals and still mates."

"I actually do have a question though?" Max asked seriously.

"Who is the pitcher and who is the catcher." Tom joked.

"That's it I'm gonna kill him." Jay said then lunged for Tom, but Nathan held him back.

Max rolled his eyes at Tom then turned back to the lads. "What if you two get into a fight or break up? Then what?"

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