Chapter 50

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It was pretty early in the morning, so Nano was hoping they didn't run into too many cameras in the airport. Nathan pulled his hood over his head and buried his face in Jay's chest. Jay held him and rubbed his back.

Nano kept glancing around keeping an eye out for any suspicious activity.

"Chill Nano." Jay said with his cheek resting on the top of Nathan's head.

"What? What am I doing?" he asked in a nervous manor.

Nathan began to chuckle in Jay's arms. He then looked up at Jay. "I plan on sleeping on the plane. Is he going to be all wired like this?"

Jay smiled at him then kissed his lips quickly. "I'll slip him something."

Nathan laughed then put his head back on Jay's chest.

"Next in line." The woman behind the counter said.

Nano began to walk then looked back and Jay and Nathan holding each other swaying back and forth. "She said next...hello?!"

Jay and Nathan both laughed. "He is ridiculous mate." Nathan said reaching for his bag.

"I got it." Jay said then grabbed his bag and brought it up to the counter.

"Thanks bird."

Nano got Jay permission to come through security and get into the gate so he could see them off. Once they were past security, Nano went to get some coffee.

Jay hugged Nathan in the corner of the waiting area. "I want you to come with me." Nathan said sadly.

"I'll buy a ticket right now, but we both know I need to do promotional stuff." Jay said sadly.

Nathan nodded then slid his arms around Jay's waist and rested his cheek on his chest. Jay massaged Nathan's scalp with his fingers and occasionally kissed the top of his head.

"I think someone is watching us." Jay said with his mouth almost completely closed, similar to a ventriloquist.

Nathan slowly turned and saw a man with a camera hovering around them. "Shit."

Jay pulled him over so they were behind a pillar. "See I fixed it."

Nathan smiled. "Does that mean you will kiss me now?"

Jay nodded as moved in closer pressing his lips to Nathan's.

"Get out of here." Nano said in annoyance.

"No, get out of my way." The cameraman said.

Nathan and Jay stopped kissing to see what the commotion was. "Ugh oh. Nano is causing a commotion again."

An announcement came over the loud speaker saying that the flight would be boarding shortly. Jay cupped Nathan's face and gave him a long and slow kiss.

"Ok I am not going." He said pressing his forehead to Jay's.

Jay chuckled. "I don't want you to go either but..."

"I know, I know."

First class was now boarding. Nano signaled for Nathan to join him.

Nathan squeezed Jay and tears fell down his cheeks. When he pulled away Jay was also teary eyed. "Aw don't cry." He said and used his thumbs to wipe Nate's tears.

"You are one to are crying." He said with a laugh.

"I told you I would and this is me holding it together." He joked.

Nathan hugged him again. "Are you going to miss me?"

Jay held him close and kissed the top of his head. "I already do."

"Last call for first class", the announcement said.

Jay let go of him but held his hand. "Try to keep that ass covered okay?"

Nathan laughed through tears. "I will try. Sometimes it has a mind of its own." He teased.

Jay lifted Nathan's hand and kissed it as more tears came down his face.

"Nathan, come on!" Nano cried from the counter.

"Buzz kill awaits." Nathan said then rolled his bag along behind him as he headed to the counter.

Jay quickly tried to wipe his tears. Nathan looked back and saw Jay wiping his tears. He let go of his bag and ran over to him and jumped on him.

Jay moaned and held him tight. "Nano is going to kill you."

"I don't care." He said then kissed him hard. "I had to say I love you."

Jay released him so he was standing again. "I love you, always. Be careful okay? Call me when you land."

Nathan nodded then ran back over to his bag and joined Nano.

Jay laughed as Nathan rolled his eyes as Nano lectured him.

As soon as Nathan was in the tunnel, Jay leaned against a nearby pillar and cried. He was upset that this happened so fast and they didn't have a proper goodbye. He had been apart from Nathan before, but they had never been serious like this.

His phone buzzed.

Text from Nathan: You are my heart. Xoxo Baby Nath

Jay slid to the ground and just sat there for a while reading the text over a few times. He waited until the plane actually headed off to the runway. He did not move from that spot until the plane was up in the air.

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