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"Henry, I know you're gonna be a superstar but you are not yet therefore you can still pickup my cupcakes from Gerry's Bakeshop."

My mum never fails to annoy me.

"Alright mum, but can I have a piece?"

"You can buy yours but never dare eat mine. You know that I'm going to give it to the Carters."

"I'm just kidding, mum. Be back in a heartbeat".

Gerry's a little bit far from our village but the cakes and breads are sure orgasmic to the mouth. And it's friggin hard for me not to steal a bite from my mum's orders.

As I leave the bakeshop, my phone vibrates to a call from an unknown number

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As I leave the bakeshop, my phone vibrates to a call from an unknown number.

"Hello, Mr. Walford."

"Yeah, I replied wearily."

"This is Zarene, a representative for Mr. Lynch. I am pleased to inform you that you need to be in London in a couple of days for the next round of auditions. Don't worry about the accommodation for we already rented a place where you and the other contenders can stay. I will send the details and other requirements after I hang up. Thank you and congratulations. "

"She hang up five minutes ago and I still can't grasp the reality that I'm coming to London to seize my dream."

I almost crushed my mum's shoulder when I told her the good news.

"You gotta start packing your stuff!", my mum's slogging her feet on the floor.

And for some reason, my only problem this time is, "I need a London map. Ugh, that's what I get for choosing Manchester over the capital city."

Two days later

Here I am, patiently waiting for the train that will take me to London.
I haven't been in that city for half a lifetime.

With a map on my right hand and a guitar on my back, I know I'm ready to face my fate.

The 2.17 hours train ride turned out somewhat stale and an uninvited slumber came. And to my horror, I missed my stop and disembarked at Regent's Park Station.

As much as I want to take the taxi or the train, my notes will no longer be sufficient. So I opted for a bus ride that turned out to be one of the worst decisions I have ever made.

I mistakenly took the south bound bus instead of the north bound bus, which made me literally lost in a big city.

I want to cry, for 16 years old teenager who is lost in the big city of London, it's a lame joke.

London Euston Railway Station

"Hello, Zarene. I would like to confirm again if Mr. Walford is arriving at 3:00 because it's nearly 5:00 but he hasn't met me yet."

"Yeah, Shane. He is supposed to be there by 3:00. I instructed him to meet you at the south wing car park. I even gave him your number if ever he has a difficulty finding you. I'm going to send you his number so you can contact him. Kindly keep me posted, I still have one more meeting to attend."

"Kuhhh! Pasaway talaga ang bata na yun!" (That child is a little stubborn!), I told to myself in my native language. I'm totally exhausted for the day and I can no longer afford an addition to the equation.

Three hours later

"Zarene, I'm sorry to inform you but I think the boy is basically lost now in the city."

"What? No! That can't be. Have you tried calling him?" I asked frantically.

"Yes, Zarene I have already tried my best to contact him but he wouldn't pick up."

"Don't worry, Shane! I'll help you find him. Just stay there and let's see what I can do."

"Oh, for Christ's sake. This isn't happening. Where the hell are you, Henry?"

I tried to call him as well but he wouldn't pick up his phone. Mixed thoughts are already registering in my mind. "Did he back out? Is he really lost? How can I face his mom? Are we going to be sued for this?"

"Oh, thank God! You finally picked up! "Where the hell are you? Did you even make it to London?", I asked with my stress level bursting to its fullest.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Zarene! I missed my stop and now I'm lost."

"Okay! Look around and tell me what do you see. Any store front or address?"

"A church beside a big red clock."

"Okay, stay there and never move an inch

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"Okay, stay there and never move an inch. Wait for me in fifteen minutes."

"Oh, that immature teener almost suck out my energy. But I'm grateful that he is just within my proximity."

A few more minutes and I found him sitting beside the Highbury Clock, with a burned out face on his neck.

"Shane, it's okay! I found him! Thank you very much!"

And Henry just grabbed me for a tight hug, tears streaming down his face.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Zarene, I'm really sorry!"

"Calm yourself now, no worries. Things do happen. It's roughly a quarter after nine and it's not a nice idea if I drive you to Marylebone tonight so I suppose it won't hurt if I let you stay the night at my house. I've got an extra room for occasional guests."


"What's that sound?"

"Oh you must be really hungry by this time. There's a restaurant over there, so I guess we can have a to-go dinner."

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